Cool Season Drought-Tolerant Grasses

Cool season drought-tolerant grasses vary in their drought tolerance; some need supplemental watering, while others can survive on occasional rain alone. Some grow in natural looking clumps and can be too bumpy to serve as a play area, so it is important to choose the right plant for the right purpose.

Tall fescue is an adaptable, bunch-type grass with a coarse texture. Each plant grows from a single seed, so it needs to be seeded heavily. With regular mowing, tall fescue can provides a “carpet” effect of a traditional lawn. It prefers 3/4 inch of water per week preferably in one deep watering. It is very traffic-tolerant. Sheep fescue is a bunch grass that grows in clumps. It provides more of a natural look and needs very little water. It only needs fertilizing every other year and requires infrequent mowing, but the bumpy surface is not recommended for backyard activities. Buffalograss is native to the Midwest and gaining popularity for its thick, lush turf, infrequent mowing needs, and hardiness. It only needs 1/4 inch of water per week in the summer but can survive on less. Buffalo is very slow to start from seed, so it must be purchased in plugs and planted about 5 inches apart. Buffalograss should be mowed high (5 inches) or not at all. It makes a bumpy surface, so it would not be good for backyard activities. Wheatgrass varieties are coarse-looking, all-purpose grasses that need very little water or fertilizer. They are easy to start from seed and great for low maintenance areas.

Warm-Season Grasses

Unlike their cool-season counterparts, warm-season grasses love the heat. Their peak growing time is mid-summer when the temperatures are the hottest. Drought-tolerant warm-season grasses have the ability to survive on little water during these peak growing times. Many, but not all, varieties of warm-season species are considered drought-tolerant. Certain cultivars have been bred specifically for their drought resistance while others may be bred for their color, disease resistance, or geographic location. Before choosing a warm season turf for a drought-tolerant lawn, ensure that its cultivar is indeed drought-resistant and suitable for your area.

Bermudagrass loves full sun and has excellent traffic tolerance. It responds quickly to watering after drought and requires frequent mowing. Bermuda grass tends to go dormant during the winter and is often overseeded with ryegrass in the winter to maintain green color. Common Bermuda, Celebration, GN1, Grimes EXP, TexTurf, TifSport, and Tifway 419 are all considered drought-tolerant cultivars. St. Augustine grass is a medium green, coarse-leaf grass that prefers dappled shade and is acceptable for moderate traffic. It remains green for the winter months of dormancy but is susceptible to diseases if excessively watered during the winter. Floratam is considered the best drought-resistant cultivar. Zoysia grass tolerates sun and shade but is slow growing compared to Bermuda and St. Augustine. Once Zoysia is established, it provides a lush, green carpet of turf. Zoysia tolerates foot traffic well and different cultivars have varying tolerance to drought. El Toro, Empire, Jamur, and Palisades are considered drought resistant cultivars of Zoysia grass. Centipede grass is “apple-green” or “lime-green” in color and although slow growing, makes an attractive, low maintenance lawn once established. It prefers full sun or partial shade and tolerates acidic soil, so it is commonly found growing in the dappled shade under pine trees. Bahia grass is a good all-purpose grass with excellent wear tolerance, disease, and insect resistance, and it grows well in infertile soils. It is considered drought-tolerant because of its prolific rooting but can thin out over time and is not suitable for shady areas.

Promoting Drought Tolerance

Breeding, plant health, and cultural practices need to work together to provide drought resistance in a lawn. Deep infrequent watering, healthy soil, and mowing at a species-appropriate height can increase the drought tolerance of any plant, including lawn grass. A water-loving grass such as Kentucky bluegrass can survive on half of its normal water requirement, if the soil is fertile, it’s not mowed too short, and it’s in good health. Likewise, fine fescues and ryegrass blends can become quite drought-tolerant with proper management.

Dormant Grass

During extreme drought, some grasses will turn yellow and go dormant in order to survive without water. Dormant grass is vulnerable to traffic but it is not dead and will come back once it rains.