To prevent this, make sure you plant a few late spring flowers to transition your garden into the summer season. Here are 11 of the best flowers that bloom in May and beyond. Their only drawback is the foliage can sometimes start to yellow before the flowers have finished blooming, so be sure to interplant the bulbs with plants that will camouflage their yellowing foliage. Otherwise, deer-resistant alliums are fairly low-maintenance, though they will require regular watering while in flower.

USDA Growing Zones: 4 to 11 (depends on cultivar)Color Varieties: Typically shades of purple, pink, or whiteSun Exposure: Full sun to part shadeSoil Needs: Average, dry to medium moisture, well-draining

The old-fashioned bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis) typically goes dormant after blooming and its foliage disappears. This is normal behavior, so don’t think you killed the plant. The fringed-leaf varieties (Dicentra eximia) are evergreen, and they can repeat bloom throughout the summer and gradually self-seed.  Keep these plants well watered throughout the summer, but make sure they’re not sitting in soggy soil. No pruning or deadheading is necessary.

USDA Growing Zones: 3 to 9Color Varieties: Pink, red, whiteSun Exposure: Part shade to full shadeSoil Needs: Average, medium moisture, well-draining

One of the loveliest is Brunnera macrophylla, also known as Siberian bugloss, heartleaf brunnera, or false forget-me-nots. In mid- to late spring, the plants send up sprays of brilliant blue flowers that resemble forget-me-nots, though a bit more vivid in color.  Make sure to keep the soil moist, especially for new plants. Brunnera plants usually don’t require fertilizer unless the soil is poor and infertile.

USDA Growing Zones: 3 to 8Color Varieties: BlueSun Exposure: Part shadeSoil Needs: Rich, medium moisture, well-draining

These are deceptively delicate-looking plants. They can handle all kinds of weather and will gladly seed themselves around the garden. Their flowers tend to bloom from April to May.  Keep new plants consistently moist, but then you can cut back on watering only during dry spells. Fertilize monthly to encourage vibrant foliage and flowers.

USDA Growing Zones: 3 to 9Color Varieties: Pink, yellow, cream, lavender, red, purple, whiteSun Exposure: Full sun to part shadeSoil Needs: Rich, moist, well-draining

They start blooming in late spring, and many of the new varieties, such as the ‘Rozanne’ hybrid, will keep blooming until the first frost. These are low-growing, mounding plants that like to spread and intermingle with neighboring foliage, giving a garden a sense of maturity.  This is a low-maintenance plant that you typically only have to water during a dry spell. Perennial geraniums can benefit from a slow-release fertilizer.

USDA Growing Zones: 3 to 8Color Varieties: Pink, purple, lavender, red, whiteSun Exposure: Full sun to part shadeSoil Needs: Average, medium moisture, well-draining

Typically blooming in April or earlier, the blooms start off facing the ground. This makes them “belly plants” because you have to get down low to see them. But save your knees the trouble, and be patient. Once a plant grows to its 12- to 18-inch height, you’ll be able to enjoy the blooms while standing. These plants like some moisture, but don’t let them sit in water. Add fertilizer when you plant them, as well as in the spring and early fall for established plants.

USDA Growing Zones: 4 to 9Color Varieties: Pink, purple, white, cream, yellow, maroonSun Exposure: Part shade to full shadeSoil Needs: Rich, humusy, well-draining

The most common varieties bloom in shades of purple or purplish-blue, but some cultivars come in white, pink, and yellow. These alternative colors are often difficult to find, and the plants might not be as hardy. Cutting back the plant after it blooms can encourage reblooming in late summer. Maintain medium moisture levels with regular watering to prolong blooming. Add a balanced fertilizer in the early spring and when flowers have faded.

USDA Growing Zones: 3 to 8Color Varieties: Usually shades of blue, purpleSun Exposure: Part shade to full shadeSoil Needs: Average, medium moisture, well-draining

Removing the flowers shortly after they are done blooming will allow the plant to put its energy into growing strong roots and healthy top growth. This also allows the plant to set even more blooms for the following year.  Keep lilacs moderately moist, but don’t overwater them as this can lead to poor blooms. Lilac bushes can benefit from a dose of fertilizer in the spring, if the soil isn’t too high in nitrogen.

USDA Growing Zones: 3 to 7Color Varieties: Purple, pink, white, yellowSun Exposure: Full sunSoil Needs: Average, medium moisture, well-draining

And then there’s its heavenly scent. For such a tiny, low-growing flower, the fragrance can permeate the air. The plant typically blooms in April. Water your plants whenever the top inch or two of soil is dry. Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer every three months during the growing season.

USDA Growing Zones: 3 to 8Color Varieties: White, pinkSun Exposure: Part shade to full shadeSoil Needs: Rich, moist, well-draining

Older varieties tend to fade away in summer’s heat, but they might perk up again in the fall. Modern introductions are better able to handle the heat. Regular watering can help to extend the blooming period. Pansies appreciate some fertilizer, but too much can make them leggy.

USDA Growing Zones: 6 to 10Color Varieties: Pink, purple, red, white, yellow, blue, apricot, orange, maroon; solid and bi-colorSun Exposure: Full sun to part shadeSoil Needs: Humusy, moist, well-draining

If you plant more than one color flower, expect some cross-pollination and surprising colors the following season. For the most part, the primroses you find for sale will be the modern hybrids (Primula x polyantha).  Primroses are generally low-maintenance plants. Make sure they receive regular watering during the warmer months as well as some shade during the hottest part of the day.

USDA Growing Zones: 4 to 8Color Varieties: Pink, purple, white, yellow, blue, orange, redSun Exposure: Part shade to full shadeSoil Needs: Rich, medium moisture, well-draining