When we say “get rid of,” we aren’t suggesting that you throw it out in your garbage bin or over your fence and into the neighbors’ yard. This is the time to practice repairing, repurposing, recycling, or disposing of hazardous materials in the appropriate place. No matter how nice your outdoor furniture is or how well maintained the hedges and borders are, if there is a mess lurking in the yard—even around the corner—it’s going to detract from the pleasure of outdoor relaxation and entertaining. Get your work gloves on, roll up those sleeves, and get ready to declutter your yard!

Is it repairable? If so, do you have the DIY skills and desire to refurbish it?If not, is it vintage and possibly collectible or desirable to someone else?

Now that your mind is swirling with this new information, you can either repair it, have it repaired, donate it to a charitable thrift organization or store, or sell it yourself, on a site like Craigslist. If, say, a chair has completely fallen apart, at the very least, consider disposing of it in the recycling bin.

Is it Collectible Vintage Patio Furniture?

A Buyer’s Guide to Mid-Century Outdoor Furniture Flea Market Shopping for Vintage Garden Furniture Where to Shop Online for Inexpensive Patio Furniture

Broken Garden Statues and Ornaments​

Artistically placed in a well-kept garden, a broken garden statue can sometimes look charming, in an unaffected, eclectic way. However, if the angel statue with the missing head is in a yard with old paint cans and rusty yard toys strewn about, it will look like just another object in an unkempt backyard.  So, either clean up and maintain your yard, or donate the broken statue to a crafty friend, charity, or put it in the recycling bin. Remember: if it’s in decent shape, clean it and donate it. If it’s cracked or broken, discard the pieces in the recyclable bin.

The Drought Factor

If you live in a region affected by drought, seriously consider getting rid of that water-guzzling patch of lawn in your front or backyard—or both. You’d have to be living in a bubble not to understand how something so simple as replacing a lawn with hardscaping materials or drought-tolerant plants can greatly reduce the amount of water your household consumes. You owe it to your community and the planet. Set a good example for your neighbors—make plans now!  As for the bonfire—check local laws regarding wood-burning, which may have been changed or updated recently in your area. If you’ve had the spa for 10 years or so, it’s stopped working or is irreparable, you might just want to have it hauled away. Consult a local business that specializes in spa demolition and removal—sometimes a crane is needed to exhume it from the backyard.

Talking About Hot Tubs

How to Contact Your Spa Manufacturer What Not to do in a Hot Tub If not, gather up all of the twigs, leaves, branches, and grass cuttings and put them in the yard waste bin.

Add a few pieces to the compost pile to increase its carbon content, which helps break down organic matter.Use it in a toolbox to absorb moisture.Crushed charcoal can suppress weed growth in the garden.Orchid lovers: add crushed charcoal to the soil. Many enthusiasts believe it absorbs toxins and increases soil alkalinity

Clean up the set, tighten screws and bolts and post it on Craigslist for a reasonable price. Or, give it to the young family down the street who just moved in and help them disassemble and move it. Take one last photo with your big kids posing on it before sending it on to its next life Take one last photo with your big kids posing on it before sending it on to its next life—making another generation of children happy.

Can the toy be fixed? If yes, donate.If not, are the parts recyclable? Since the answer is almost always yes, put it in a recycling bin or take it to a recycling center.