Along Came Gunite

Before the introduction of gunite—a mixture of concrete and sand—most residential swimming pools were built from plywood or fiberglass that held poured concrete. Others were constructed with a shell of reinforced concrete blocks. This costly construction process made private pools attainable mostly to the wealthy. It also made shapes other than traditional rectangles easier to design.  During the post-World War II housing boom, gunite swimming pools became more of a possibility for middle-class homeowners. California, with its mild climate and indoor/outdoor living spaces, was the unofficial capital of residential swimming pools.

Types of Pools

Groundbreaking features of the Donnell pool include a small “island” in the pool with a sculpture by Adaline Kent, a floating deck, and, of course, its Midcentury Modern biomorphic shape. Layers of filtration media help to create an organic filtration system that makes the pool clean for swimming and a safe habitat for certain types of fish, dragonflies, tree frogs, and other wildlife.