Classic Red Color Combinations

Classic red colors vary slightly by the amount of red, brown, white, or yellow mixed in to form the shade. Some color combinations work better than others.

Primary red: True primary red is magenta. Primary colors cannot be made from other colors. Primary colors are the source of all other colors. Primary red goes with yellow, orange, blue, white, and black.Cherry red: Describes the deep red color of cherries; it can also be called blood red or tomato red. Cherry red combines well with azure blue, gray, pale orange, tan, and pale yellow.Burgundy red: Burgundy is a deep reddish-brown shade called wine red. Colors that go well with burgundy red include white, black, gray, purple, navy, turquoise, forest green, pink, gold, beige, and yellow.Brick red: A moderate reddish-brown with some shades of yellow, sometimes called clay or terracotta red. Colors that work with brick red include cream, sage green, black, white, brown or beige, blue-gray, and other shades of red.Raspberry red: This pinkish-red tone resembles the berry color; raspberry red goes well with black, navy, shades of blue, gray, white, cream, metallics, and wood tones.

Whether you are ready to paint the house red or want to enliven your space with a few choice decor elements, some inspiring color combinations featuring shades of red will get your blood racing.