These colorful flowers are biennial and reseed themselves effectively in many different habitats, including roadsides, vacant lots, meadows, and along riverbanks and railroad tracks. Some wildlife eat them, including rabbits, deer, and groundhogs. They’re fairly drought-tolerant, but they may droop or dry out if there is a prolonged dry spell. They make a good filler for large cottage style gardens that need a boost of late summer color, and look fabulous alongside deep red day lilies and the cool blues of caryopteris. These bright yellow beauties stay in bloom for many weeks, often into the autumn.


Brown-eyed susans prefer full sun but will adapt to part shade fairly readily. Afternoon sun is brighter than morning sun so this might be a consideration if deciding where to plant them.


Ideally these flowers prefer a loamy soil, but they’re not very fussy and will spring up readily in areas with poor soil. This makes them a good choice for those spots in your yard with clay soil or rocky soil.


They are quite drought-tolerant, but if a long dry spell makes them droopy or sad, give them a good drink of water.

Temperature and Humidity

The brown-eyed susan tolerates a wide range of temperatures, being hardy from Zones 3 to 10, and may continue to flower after a light frost in late autumn. They do well in hot, dry conditions. When growing in the wild, you are unlikely to find them in humid areas such as swamps.


Once the flowers are spent, trim them off to keep this plant looking tidy in your garden. As it gets later in the season the foliage may get a big leggy and unattractive, so prune and deadhead as needed. You can cut this plant all the way back to the ground at the end of the season.

How to Propagate Brown-Eyed Susan

These prolific flowers grow very easily from seed (which may be collected in late summer) and can be sown outdoors in spring or fall. They may also be divided and transplanted; this is best done before or after the blooming season in early spring or late fall.