Silver Gift Traditions

Although the iris is representative of the 25th-anniversary flower, you can gift a rose that’s both silver and symbolic. Consider a silver jubilee or star rose, for instance. You can also look for presents that have stainless steel and sterling silver. Sparkly silver glitter on flowers, cards, centerpieces, gift wrap, and balloons are a great touch to any gift set. For dinner or decoration, you can also set the table with a paper silver tablecloth, rented china, and crystal with a silver or chrome trim. Add a sentimental touch with silver-looking votive candles and flowers placed in silver-colored vases. Over your celebration, you can renew your marriage vows, have a toast with Champagne, or plan a romantic picnic with paper silver-colored plates and cups.​

Gifts With a Silver Touch

Although silver is the highlight of a 25th anniversary, it doesn’t mean that you can’t go out and do “normal” date nights. For example, if you want to purchase tickets for a movie, sports event, concert, or theater event, you can get creative and wrap them up with a silver ribbon or place them in a silver box. You could also think outside the box with a day trip to Silver Springs in Maryland or Florida, or head out to Silver Strand Beach in California or Ireland. Of course, keeping it simple with silver can be done through everyday gifts like photo frames, paperweights, key rings, and jewelry.

Sentimental Offerings

Sometimes you need to add a personal touch to let someone know how much they mean to you. For your 25th wedding anniversary, put together a mixed tape, CD, or digital playlist with songs from the era of your marriage date. You can also include other songs that are representative of your relationship or have some similar meaning attached to them. You could also assemble a memorable photo album with pictures highlighting your 25 years together. Include the wedding, children, grandchildren, friends, trips taken together, homes lived in, and other big moments. A nice addition could be to include stories from children and friends as well.

Creative Presents

One creative gift idea is to create a poem and write it in silver ink for display. For something more comfortable, you can knit together a family quilt where each square is made by a family member or close friend. Finally, you can make a special wish tree. Use a big branch, paint it silver, and decorate it with silver ribbons and ornaments. Then, fill the branches with pictures of major events in your life, people who love and cherish you, and any other goodies like tickets for a trip or gift certificates.