Learn below how to plant juniper ground covers, what some of the best types are, and what assets they bring to your landscaping. The material shown in the picture is landscape fabric, not black plastic. People do sometimes use the latter, but the advantage landscape fabric (which is also called “weed barrier”) enjoys is that it breathes, meaning that a certain amount of air and water will be able to reach the plants’ root systems. One mistake the homeowners have made here is in failing to cover this material with mulch. Left exposed to the bright sunshine for too long, the weed barrier will suffer damage. Besides, you’ll want to apply a bit of mulch in the holes, too, thereby discouraging weeds from sprouting up right next to your creeping junipers. The idea is that, between the landscape fabric, mulch, and creeping junipers, few weeds will emerge, the soil will be held in place, and the area will be beautified. Consider these three components as a team that works together for weed control, with the prime functions of the creeping junipers being soil erosion control and aesthetic enhancement. Although you don’t necessarily have to do it in this order, experts recommend putting the weed barrier down first, installing the creeping junipers (cutting holes into the material to provide access) next, and, finally, spreading the mulch on. The likelihood of success will be greatly increased if, prior to installing these three components, you kill any grass growing in the area, as well as any weeds. In extreme cases, you may wish to try soil solarization. Even out the surface with a steel rake and remove sharp objects that could puncture the weed barrier. Before moving to the next entry, take a closer look at this planting. Do you notice the weeds starting to emerge? Apparently, the weed barrier was torn by sharp rocks or roots that the homeowner failed to remove prior to installation. Weeds, ever the opportunists, will be quick to exploit such openings. In a case like this, if the weeds aren’t removed pretty soon, the whole enterprise will be put at risk. The weeds will spread quickly, causing further ruptures in the landscape fabric. Never will you be gladder to see a plant spread out quickly over a patch of ground than when you have planted creeping junipers on a steep hill to solve any of the various landscaping problems you may have previously encountered in such a challenging area. One of the major difficulties in maintaining such an area is mowing it. Not only will an incline like this be a bear to mow, it will also be downright dangerous. Some use a Flymo hover mower to do their mowing on a such a hill. It’s an ingenious invention for such circumstances. The Flymo has no wheels. Instead, a fan causes this lightweight mower to levitate. You can tie a rope around the handle and lower the mower down the steep hill. As it descends, the Flymo cuts the grass. When one strip has been cut in this fashion, you haul the mower back up the slope using the rope, then repeat for the next strip. This method works—but it is a lot of work. Perhaps this method is best reserved for strapping youths. When most middle-aged people see a steep hill like this, they think to themselves, “The last thing I’d want is to have to mow this!” So if you own a property with a steep hill like the one in the picture, plant creeping juniper just as these homeowners have done—and rejoice to see it fill in as thickly as it has here. Consider the picture at left. It serves as a reminder that, as evergreens, creeping junipers are moderately promising for adding to your yard’s winter interest. One must say “moderately” because, being short plants, they will be covered by deep snows, robbing you of any visual interest. But in the absence of significant snowfall, their foliage will break up what would otherwise be a drab expanse of white, gray and brown during the winter months. As a short plant, this ground cover is tidy enough to fit in easily as part of one’s front-yard landscaping, even if you’re the type who strives for that well-manicured look in this highly visible portion of one’s landscaping. The creeping juniper is bordered by a nicely maintained lawn (from which it is separated by trench edging). These homeowners obviously like to be meticulous, and the ground cover that they’ve chosen won’t be “bucking the system.” Notice that another plant is present, too: some sort of golden sedum, perhaps an Angelina stonecrop. Observe, too, that in this case, the ground covers are occupying flat land. Just because creeping junipers are wizards at covering steep hills, there’s no rule that says you can’t grow them on flat land. All these ground covers for sun need is full sunshine and sharp drainage. The informal outdoor steps in the picture are made of landscape timbers. For ideas on building more formal landscape stairs, using masonry, consult the resource linked to here. What’s the significance of finding wild juniper in such a locale? It’s a good indication that this genus is well represented among the salt-tolerant plants. The ‘Bar Harbor’ cultivar (see below) has its roots in this part of the country. In addition to this tolerance for salt, creeping junipers are deer-resistant ground covers. As mentioned above, they also tend to tolerate pollution and dry soil. That’s a lot of tolerance for one group of plants.

Juniperus horizontalis ‘Blue Prince’Juniperus horizontalis ‘Bar Harbor’Juniperus horizontalis ‘Prince of Wales’Juniperus horizontalis ‘Pancake’Juniperus horizontalis ‘Lime Glow’

You’re not stuck with just one type of creeping juniper when it comes time to find a vendor and buy one. For example, if you want a blue type, besides ‘Blue Rug’ and ‘Wiltonii’ there are choices such as Juniperus horizontalis ‘Blue Prince,’ which is equally low-growing (about 5 inches). Juniperus horizontalis ‘Bar Harbor’ will become taller (about 1 foot). Want a plant that has green foliage and stays short? Juniperus horizontalis ‘Prince of Wales’ (about 6 inches tall) fits the bill. Or how about an even shorter plant? Considering how relatively low-growing all these plants are, you may think it strange to speak of a “dwarf creeping juniper.” But such a thing really does exist: Juniperus horizontalis ‘Pancake’ (only about 2-3 inches tall). For a different look altogether, try Juniperus horizontalis ‘Lime Glow,’ which gives you a chartreuse color. It stands approximately 1 foot tall (or a bit more). What, not enough color for you? Maybe only flowers can satisfy your quest for color.