While rabbits, like deer, have adaptable appetites during periods of want, they tend to avoid plants with foliage or growth that is hairy, bitter, spicy, rough, woody, spiny, or toxic. Here are seven flowering plants that might send your rabbits searching for greener pastures.  Plant snapdragons in full sun in rich soil with good drainage. Although sold alongside annuals, snapdragons may come back in zones 5 and warmer with a protective mulch. Russian sage plants are a go-to choice for any low-maintenance perennial border. Plant them in full sun and average soil, and expect to see wands of bee-friendly blooms from early summer until fall. Russian sage plants need no deadheading or fertilizing to perform for many years in your landscape.  Plant annual vinca flowers in full sun to ensure vigorous plants and abundant blooms. Vinca plants require no deadheading and are drought tolerant flowers, but will exhibit its best blooms with an application of slow-release fertilizer at planting time.