Professional home organization is having a moment—and it can make a real difference in your space. Here, learn everything you need to know about finding and hiring a professional organizer to refresh your space with lasting solutions.

What Does a Professional Organizer Do?

While the job description is in the name, professional organizers can do quite a bit more than decluttering odd drawers, closets, and cabinets, or beautifying your space. Here are some of the ultimate goals of a professional organizer:

Create an intuitive system of organization that you can continue following long after they’re finished. Remove the chaos from targeted sections of your home and provide you with the right tools to maintain your newfound Zen.Organize your to-do list, appointment book, or even your weekly grocery list.

Professional organizers can work their magic anywhere that you need them to, from drawers and closets to offices and desks, kitchen cabinets, pantries, basements, and anywhere else that you have a variety of items but no consistent method to keep them in order. If you hire an organizer, expect to learn some important lessons about efficiency and better ways to manage the flow of your space. Ideally, you want to end up with expert strategies that you can sustain on your own long term. If you’re not sure about the method (or lack thereof) behind the madness, ask plenty of questions so that you can see the logic underlying your new organizational system.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Professional Organizer?

Expect to spend between $253 and $789 for a professional organizer’s services, according to HomeAdvisor, with an average cost of around $494 (depending on the organizers in your area). Most professional organizers price their services per hour, which means that the more work your space needs, the more you’re likely to spend to get it in better shape. It also depends on whether you work with a professional organizer who is self-employed or an organizer who works for an agency. Independent organizers may have a bit more flexibility on fees if you prefer to pay by the day or by the project. Prices can also depend on the organizer’s experience and travel time and costs to get to your home. Your organizer’s prices apply not just to the scope of the project you’re taking on, but also to the additional needs you might have, including:

Measurement and installation of physical storage systems Organization of items like your computer and contact list Your timeline—you’ll likely spend more for a rush job

How to Hire a Professional Organizer

Consider whether you want to hire a certified home organizer, someone who is in the process of acquiring a certification, or who has a talent (but no formal training) for organizing. For example, The National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) is one group that has more than 3,500 credentialed members nationwide, including virtual organizers. If you prefer to hire an organizer certified from a specific organization or association, go to the site and see if there is a list of members you can search for in your area. Home service providers also have a section where you can locate organizing professionals in your area. Once you find an organizer you may be interested in hiring, request a consultation to see if it’s a good fit because you will have to work well together. Hint: Resist the urge to clean, purge, or organize anything before your consultation. When you’ve hired your organizer, you will have to be willing to listen to them and accept the changes your professional suggests. That means staying open-minded about their ideas and insights, making time to work with them, and potentially investing money into the recommended tools and systems.

Tips for Hiring a Professional Organizer

Before you take the official plunge to hire an organizer, there are a few more important factors to take into consideration to make it truly worth your while:

Know exactly what you need: Get a good idea of the full scope of your project before reaching out to potential service providers. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be to find the right person for your specific needs.Compare prices: You get what you pay for, so don’t necessarily go with the organizer who quotes you the cheapest fee. Do your research and compare prices between two or three of your top picks.Ask for referrals: The best way to know if a professional organizer is right for you is to get a referral from someone you trust.Be part of the process: Ask various professionals if they plan to work alongside you. Your new organizational system should be consistent with how you use each room—and the organizer you hire should optimize your space for the way you use it best. This is an important step to create a system that will work long-term in your household.