Combining hives can be nervewracking. Fortunately, there are methods to lessen the possibility of rejection or other problems.

When to Combine Hives

There’s no need to combine hives that are functioning well on their own. But when one or more of your hives are in trouble, combining two hives may resolve the problem. Here are some reasons to combine hives:

One hive is weak: Combining hives can be done if one hive is weak and the other is strong. If the weak hive has a queen, you’ll need to dispatch her before combining. You will want to keep the stronger hive on the bottom and put the weak hive on top, using the strong hive’s location.One hive is queenless: If a queen dies or goes missing you can choose to requeen, but sometimes a queen isn’t available to purchase. In this case, combining the hive with another one can save it. You will use the hive that has a queen as the bottom hive and use its location, placing the queenless hive on top.Two hives are weak: Perhaps it’s been a bad year and both your hives have suffered losses. As long as at least one of them has a queen, you can combine them. Or you can combine them and order a new queen and requeen the hive. If both weak hives have a queen, it’s best to get rid of one before joining them. Combining weak hives may be necessary before winter if bees are light on honey stores. Each beehive needs at least 70 pounds of honey to get through the winter without starving.

How to Combine Hives

Combining hives is fairly simple but it is best to be prepared. Before getting started, follow these steps:

Make up a solution of sugar syrup to feed the bees after you combine the hives.Get a sheet of newspaper and cut three slits in it. The newspaper will allow the hives to combine without as much fighting. The slits allow pheromones and scents to be exchanged between the two hives. The bees are able to chew through the newspaper, and by the time they do, the bees will have gotten used to each other and will be integrated without fighting.Light your smoker—you will want to smoke the hives well.Grab some blocks of wood or cement to place in front of the hive.

Once you have all your materials ready, follow these steps in order to safely and effectively combine two hives.