Squirrels typically go through two breeding cycles a year in late winter and early spring, and a nest of squirrels in your attic, walls, or rafters can do substantial damage as they gnaw through insulation, wood, or even electrical wires and plumbing pipes. The good news is that a squirrel is usually more scared of you than you are of it. As recommended by the Humane Society of the United States, there are six tips you should consider before getting lethal.

6 Ways to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your House

Wait for It to Find Its Way Out

If a squirrel gets into an inhabited space—such as down a chimney and into an open room—its natural instinct will be to get out, and get out quickly. It does not want to nest or make a home in a house with lots of human activity. The first solution to try is to make it easy for the squirrel to find the exit. Remove any pets from the room where the squirrel is running or hiding. Also, remove any foods or snacks that might give the squirrel a reason to hang around. Close any doors that open into other parts of the house, but open all doors and windows that open to the outside. Then, leave the room yourself, and let the squirrel find its way out. If the squirrel is in an upper-level room, open only the windows that are above grass and trees. Do not open windows that fall steeply down to concrete or hard surfaces. In most cases, the squirrel will vacate the premises within a few minutes.

Remove Squirrels From the Attic

Attics and other unoccupied upstairs spaces are common places for squirrels to take up residence, since they are usually uninhabited, and holes or missing fascia boards along the roofline often provide easy entry points. But squirrels will be unlikely to stay if these spaces suddenly become active and inhabited. If you have squirrels in the attic, try frightening them out of the house with loud noises. Rap on the ceiling, walls, or rafters; talk or yell loudly; bang pans; or turn on a radio, television, or other ongoing music or sound and leave it playing day and night. If the loud-noise method doesn’t work, set up a bright light in the area and leave it on through the day and night. And, you can soak rags in cider vinegar and set them around the attic. Squirrels do not like the vinegar smell, so they are likely to leave. Continuous sound, bright light, and certain smells will also deter squirrels from entering an attic in the first place.

Remove Baby Squirrels From the Attic

If pesky adult squirrels refuse to leave the attic, you may have a nest of babies that is preventing the adults from abandoning the house. If you can, it is best to wait until the babies grow enough to leave on their own. They may do this naturally in a few weeks when they are old enough to move around with the mother. If you don’t want to wait, it’s best to hire a professional who can safely relocate the family. If you seal the entry points into the house and you notice the squirrels keep trying to get back in, it may be that there are babies trapped inside. In that case, a professional should be called.

Catch the Squirrel With a Blanket

If the squirrel is cornered but not moving, put on heavy gloves and hold a blanket in front of you. Slowly approach the squirrel, then quickly drop the blanket on it and roll it up. Don’t roll it too tight or push too hard, or you risk injuring the creature. Carry the blanket-wrapped squirrel outside, close the door to your house, open it onto the ground away from you, and let it make its escape.

Remove a Squirrel in the Chimney

Squirrels sometimes climb down the chimney flues on traditional wood-burning fireplaces, seeking a place to nest. On rare occasions when the fireplace has not been operated for a long time, they may even create a nest in the space above the fireplace damper. Make loud noises at the fireplace to scare the squirrel up the chimney and encourage it back out to the roof. You can also carefully attach a long, thick rope (at least 3/4 inch thick) to the top of the chimney, and drop it down. This will provide the squirrel with a way to climb out. Normally, though, the squirrel will react to noise and attention by climbing out of the chimney on its own.

What Causes Squirrels in the House?

Squirrels enter your home for the same reasons as mice, rats, and other rodents: They are seeking food, warm shelter, and nesting areas. If your home has easy access points, squirrels will have an invitation to come indoors and attempt to set up housekeeping.

How to Prevent Squirrels in the House

Once you have gotten the squirrel out of your house, try to find out how it entered your home and block those entry points. Look for tracks around the chimney, inspect the attic for nests, and check the foundation and exterior for holes. Trim back any overhanging tree branches that allow squirrels to reach your roof or eaves. Seal any potential entry point to prevent another squirrel or another wild animal from getting in. Metal flashing can be a sealant, as the animals cannot chew through it to get back in. Cover chimneys with chimney caps. Keep all exterior doors closed when not in use. Do not feed squirrels or provide easy food sources like open garbage cans. Take measures to keep squirrels from stealing the birdseed from your feeders. If pet foods or birdseed are stored in the garage, place them in sealed metal containers. The more squirrels congregate around your home, the more likely they are to find a way into your house or garage, so do whatever you can to make your property unappealing to these rodents. Your state or community may, however, have legal trapping or hunting seasons for animals such as squirrels and rabbits. This might be an option if you live in such an area and have no moral qualms about hunting. In some regions, squirrel and rabbit meat are often consumed in stews or used in other recipes. In others, though, trapping a live animal and moving it off your property is actually illegal: Research your local regulations before taking action. If you do hire an exterminator, specify if you wish for the animals to be live-trapped only. Where allowed, some exterminators may use spring traps that kill the squirrels.