While they prefer a warm and dry climate, they are more adaptable than some of their cacti cousins, able to withstand temperatures that hover around freezing as long as they’re kept dry. To encourage better flowering, allow the plants to enjoy a cooling period in the winter and dramatically cut back on watering cadence. Lastly, make sure to fertilize during the growing season for the best results.


Ball cacti like lots of light—just not too much of it. Don’t let that confuse you, though—it’s simpler than it seems. Essentially they can take direct sunlight in the softer hours of the mornings and afternoons but should be kept in partial shade throughout the hottest hours of the day. If your yard or garden can’t account for both, consider planting your cactus in a pot that you can move into a shadier spot during high noon. If you’re growing your cactus indoors and it sits on a window sill for sunlight, be sure to rotate it periodically to ensure even (not skewed or crooked) growth.


Like many cacti, the ball cactus prefers a mix of airy, dry soil. Drainage is especially important as well, so if you’re opting for a store-bought blend (cacti or succulent-specific mix is your best bet), consider adding coarse sand, perlite, or pumice to the mixture to help aerate the soil. Overall, the soil’s pH level isn’t important to the ball cactus. However, it thrives best in a slightly acidic mixture with a pH between 6.1 and 6.5.


Ball cacti are drought tolerant but they do like water during their growing season. Provide regular water during the spring and summer months, but only when the soil is dry to the touch, thoroughly soaking the soil through when you do water. In the winter the cactus will go dormant and need very little water, so you can cease regular watering and let the soil become very dry between waterings, but do not let it completely dry out. If the cactus is planted in a container, make sure there are several holes in the bottom of the pot to aid in drainage.

Temperature and Humidity

True to their nature, ball cacti prefer warm, desert-like conditions. That being said, they can survive below-freezing temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit, though it’s not recommended that they’re kept that cold for very long at all. Dry heat is the key to keeping any cactus, and ball cacti will not do well if exposed to too much moisture—either from watering or in the form of humidity. Therefore, it is unnecessary to spritz them or increase the humidity in their environment.


Though not necessary, the ball cactus will respond well to fertilizer. During the growing season fertilize with a cacti fertilizer mix and suspend feeding during the dormant winter period.

Types of Ball Cactus

Parodia magnifica is one of many types of ball cacti. Here are a few more popular types:

‘Golden ball’: This is one of the larger ball-type cacti that can grow to about 6 feet tall when fully mature. ‘Powder puff’: This round gem produces fine hairs on its spines plus the possibility of yellow or pink flowers in the spring, and is a shorter ball that grows wider as it matures. ‘Red Tom Thumb’: Its dark green globe grows wider (up to five feet) rather than taller ( up to three feet) and may flower in the spring and summer with orange or red blossoms.

Propagating Ball Cactus

Ball cacti can be propagated easily from offsets, which readily form in clusters around the base of the mother plant. Do not repot in the winter because the cold temperatures, even indoors, can shock the roots. To propagate, follow these steps:

Potting and Repotting Ball Cactus

Repot your ball cactus as needed when roots begin to show through drainage holes, preferably during the warm season. Always place the plant in a pot with a drainage hole. Make sure the soil is very dry and crumbly before repotting, then gently remove the cactus and surrounding soil from the pot. Knock away the old soil from the roots, making sure to remove any rotted or dead roots in the process. Treat any cuts with a fungicide. Place the plant in its new pot and backfill with potting soil, spreading the roots out as you repot. Leave the plant dry for a week or so, then begin to water lightly to reduce the risk of root rot.

Common Pests

Luckily, this plant won’t typically fall to disease, but it can be a favorite for sucking pests like whiteflies, mealybugs, and aphids. Mealybugs may appear any time of the year. Aphids and whiteflies will crawl on the plant in the spring and summer. To eliminate both, spray the cactus with a mix of equal parts rubbing alcohol and water.

Common Problems With Ball Cactus

The ball cactus is quite a forgiving plant. But it can face a couple of challenges in its environment.

Cactus Going Soft

If the entire body of your cactus is going soft, that could mean your plant is experiencing root rot from overwatering or sitting in poorly draining soil. It’s best to repot the cactus in fresh medium and cut away damaged roots if possible.

Nicks in the Flesh

If you spot openings in the plant’s flesh, bacteria and fungus could be entering the plant through those small wounds. If the spot around the wound has become mushy or is oozing liquid, use a sterilized cutting tool to dig out that part of the flesh and let the area dry out. Make sure that no moisture touches the area so that the spot can heal and stay completely dry.