Acanthus means bract, which are modified leaves that are often more colorful than the actual flowers. They help to attract pollinators. The botanical name for bear’s breeches, Acanthus mollis, comes from the thorny look of their purple bracts. You can expect to see flowers on this plant from late spring to early summer. Although there are about 30 species of acanthus, only a couple are commonly grown as garden plants. While they are imposing and beautiful, they can be erratic, blooming well in one year and disappointing in another. Bear’s breeches plant grows and spreads quickly and is considered an invasive species in parts of the US. Bear’s breeches can be aggressive growers, spreading and squeezing out neighboring plants. To keep them under control, many gardeners place a sunken border around the plants or plant them in bottomless containers, sunk into the ground.


Plants will do best in full sun to partial shade. They need more protection in hot climates, but wherever you grow them, they need at least a few hours of sun to bloom well.


Bear’s breeches like a rich soil with plenty of compost or other organic matter. Once established, they are more accommodating about poor soil, but they absolutely need good drainage, especially in winter. Sitting in cold, wet soil can cause the roots to rot and may kill the plants.


Once established, bear’s breeches are very drought resistant. They do best with regular water. An inch a week should be plenty.

Temperature and Humidity

These plants are dependably hardy. Protect your plants during their first couple of winters with a thick layer of mulch. In Zones 6 and lower, continue this practice for the life of your plants.


Bear’s breeches are not heavy feeders. Start with a rich soil and side dress annually with compost. You can use a balanced fertilizer in spring or mid-summer if the plants look like they need it.

Types of Bear’s Breeches

Acanthus balcanicus var. hungaricus, Hungarian Bear’s Breech: The most widely adaptable species, it blooms later and is less susceptible to late frosts.Acanthus mollis, Common Bear’s Breeches: This is the most popular species, but it can also be the most temperamental about blooming, with buds being damaged by late spring frosts.Acanthus spinosus, Spiny Bear’s Breeches: This is more adaptable than A. mollis and more thistle-like.


In hot climates, the plants can be cut back after flowering. This will encourage fresh new foliage. Gardeners with cold winters should leave the plants standing and allow the leaves to protect the crown. Wait until you see new growth in the spring to cut back any damaged or declining leaves.

Propagating Bear’s Breeches

Bear’s breeches propagate very easily by themselves, but you can plan to get some of your own to transplant in early spring. They can be propagated by dividing the plants or taking root cuttings. Dividing the mature plants will keep them healthy and blooming at their best. Here’s how:

How to Grow Bear’s Breeches From Seed

While this plant does grow from seed, it will take the plant a bit to get established. The best time to start bear’s breeches from seed is the springtime. You can start the seeds indoors at any time or direct sow them in the spring by simply planting the seeds in the desired location and water. It will take about 21 to 25 days before you see them germinate. Expect to wait several years for them to bloom. They need time to grow and establish their root system before they start to send out flower buds.

Potting and Repotting Bear’s Breeches

These plants grow well in large pots or container gardens. Take some of the new plants from a division of the plants outside in the garden and plant them carefully in the pots filled with a mixture of potting soil and peat moss. Not only does this keep bear’s breeches in a controlled area (the pot) but it makes for attractive foliage for the outside patio.

Common Pests and Diseases

Insects don’t generally bother bear’s breeches, but those gorgeous leaves can be susceptible to a handful of diseases, with powdery mildew being the usual culprit. Other fungal leaf spot diseases and bacterial leaf spot are other diseases that can crop up. Good air circulation and a dose of homemade fungicide will help take care of these issues. Slugs and snails do like to hide out and feed if the soil is damp, and these pests can do substantial damage if left unchecked. Spraying them with a salt spray solution or using diatomaceous earth will get these pests under control.