While these plants have some issues with pests and diseases, deer and rabbits tend not to be attracted to or eat bergenia.


Bergenia plants are ideal candidates for the shade garden. They thrive in partial shade but will also tolerate heavy shade. But, of course, the more sun plants receive, the more moisture they will need.


Like many plants, bergenia grows well in rich, loamy soil and will expand to grow large clumps in this situation. However, Bergenia also grows in clay soils, which you can lighten over time with a top dressing of compost.


Bergenia likes consistent moisture. Help plants keep a moist root zone with a 3-inch layer of mulch. Plants growing in deep shade can survive periods of drought better than those growing in a sunny location.

Temperature and Humidity

Bergenia plants grow well in areas with hot or cool summers, as long as they have proper light and moisture. They also do well in humid areas. Winter damage is more extensive in colder climates.


Bergenia plants are light feeders and do not need supplemental fertilizer to look their best. Growing bergenia plants in loamy soil amended with organic matter provides all the nutrients they need.

Types of Bergenia

B. Cordifolia ‘Winter Glow’ has red stems and nodding pink flowers and grows to 12 to 16 inches tall and 18 to 24 inches wide. B. cordifolia ‘Bressingham White’ can light up a moon garden with clusters of white blooms. It grows to the nearly same size as ‘Winter Glow,’ if a little bit shorter. B. cordifolia ‘Angel Kiss’ is one of the shorter cultivars, at 8 to 10 inches tall and 10 to 12 inches wide. Its blooms are white to light pink. B. cordifolia ‘Ballawley’ may be the largest bergenia available, growing to 24 inches tall and 18 inches wide. It features rose-red flowers and red stems. B. cordifolia ‘Solar Flare’ is prized for its variegated leaves of green edged with yellow. This cultivar is mid-sized (10 to 16 inches tall and about 18 inches wide) and has magenta-purple blooms.

Bergenia vs. Leopard Plant

Except for its yellow flowers, the leopard plant (Ligularia dentata) bears a strong resemblance to bergenia plants. Both plants thrive in shade and feature similar large, rounded leaves with a glossy finish. However, leopard plants need more moisture and shade than bergenia plants for best health, so if you have a place in the garden that transitions between sun and shade, place your leopard plants in the shadier portion.


In general, bergenia plants need little in the way of pruning. You can cut back spent flower stalks to keep plants looking tidy in the summer. In areas where the foliage is marginally evergreen, trimming back tattered foliage will also increase plant tidiness.

Propagating Bergenia

Making new bergenia plants is as simple as the process of dividing them. Divide plants in the fall to prevent any disruption to the blooming cycle. Here’s how:

How to Grow Bergenia From Seed

If you have patience and wish to grow many bergenia plants for the landscape, you can start from seed. Seeds need light to germinate, so press them lightly into sterile potting soil. Keep the soil moist and warm while waiting for germination, which can take four to six weeks.

Potting and Repotting Bergenia

Bergenia makes an attractive container specimen. Combine bergenia with other pretty foliage choices, like coral bells and Japanese painted fern. Bergenia plants will grow in any commercial potting soil in a pot with a diameter of at least 12 inches. Repot your plants in the spring after flowering, and divide as needed to keep plants from becoming overcrowded.


Bergenia will survive the winter in an outdoor container in zone 7 and warmer. Feed bergenia compost in early winter. Cover clumps of bergenia with straw or chopped leaves to shield them against freezing winter temperatures. This barrier protects the leaves from the freezing and thawing cycle.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Like many plants that grow well in shady areas, bergenia plants can suffer from slug and snail damage to the foliage and are susceptible to black vine weevils. There are several ways to deal with these pests, including beer bait traps, cardboard traps, and diatomaceous earth. Bergenia, while resistant to many plant diseases, can get fungal leaf spot and anthracnose, which is another type of looks similar to fungal leaf spot. If you notice any spots on the leaves of your plant, treat them as soon as you can. Remove any infected leaves on the plant and the surrounding ground, and treat with a fungicide. Proper watering techniques can help prevent these types of fungus. Crown rot is another disease these plants can get, so be careful when planting or mulching, and leave the crown of the plant uncovered to avoid having this issue with your bergenia.

How to Get Bergenia to Bloom

Bergenia blooms in the late spring during the months of April and May, showcasing small clusters of flowers that come in pink, white, or red. To keep these plants blooming, cut the spent flower stalk ( you might just see a new stalk appear and get more flowers!), and plant them in partial to full shade in moist, rich soil, which will help to stimulate its growth and bring out more blooms.