Known for a wide range of colors and long-lasting blooms, Cineraria comes in vibrant shades of pink, red, purple, blue, and many bi-colors. It is a mound-forming plant with large leaves that becomes covered with blossoms during its blooming season. Cineraria prefers cool weather, so as a garden plant it is usually grown for spring blossoms and then removed from the garden in favor of summer-blooming annuals after the bloom period is over. Many gardeners prefer to use them for container culture rather than as in-ground bedding plants. As outdoor plants, cineraria plants are usually planted from nursery starts in the spring, which have been commercially grown to provide cool-season spring blooming. But these plants bloom about four months after seed germination, so it’s possible to dictate the bloom period by carefully selecting the time when you sow seeds. Sowing in late summer, for example, can give indoor flowering plants for Christmas.


Cineraria will do best in filtered sunlight or partial shade conditions and it resents full sunlight. If grown as a short-lived indoor plant, however, it likes bright but filtered sunlight.


Cineraria like a rich, moist, slightly acidic soil that has good drainage. Amendments such as peat moss and coffee grounds can help create good soil conditions for this somewhat fussy plant. When grown indoors, a standard potting mix works well becayse ut contains a high percentage of peat which ensures an acidic soil pH.


Cineraria needs constant moisture but it still needs to breathe. Water well and frequently at the base of the plant, checking the soil to make sure it feels moist but not soggy. Steady watering in hot weather is a must. But at the same time, cineraria doesn’t like constantly soggy soil, which can encourage root and crown rot diseases. Thus, it’s critical that frequent watering is paired with well-draining soil.

Temperature and Humidity

Cineraria is temperamental about temperature. The preferred temperature is between 50 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If temperatures dip below 35 degrees at night, the plants will die, and if the temperatures go above 80 degrees, they’ll stop blooming. In the heat of summer, make sure cineraria plants are shaded; it might be necessary to bring potted plants indoors during very hot days. When grown indoors, cineraria plants like a cool environment; they will bloom longer with daytime temperatures of about 65 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temps of 50 to 55 degrees. These plants thrive in an environment that is humid yet not quite tropical. Even if your location is not consistently humid, you can approximate the environmental needs of this plant by keeping the soil around it consistently moist. However, avoid making the ground too soggy as this can cause root rot. The best way to provide this humidity for both indoor and outdoor plants is to create a pebble tray. Spread a layer of pebbles or pea gravel on a low dish or tray and place it beneath the container. Keep filled with water up to a 1/2 inch in depth (that might mean refreshing it daily if your house has dry air). As that water evaporates it will create an evenly humid atmosphere around the plant. Misting is not recommended as it can overwhelm the flower petals.


Feed cineraria plants with a half-strength balanced fertilizer every two weeks beginning at the point where flower buds appear. These plants have a steady appetite, but don’t want to be gorged with fertilizer.

Types of Cineraria

Cineraria is usually offered in various named color mixes. Some popular ones include the ‘Senetti’ mix, which includes blue, light blue, magenta, pink, and bicolors; ‘Cruenta Amigo’ mix, including blue, red, purple, magenta, and white flowers, often with white eyes; ‘Satellite Mix’, featuring ground-hugging eight-inch plants; and the ‘Early Perfection’ series, with compact eight- to ten-inch plants ideal for small pots.


Deadheading spent flowers will keep the plants looking tidy and extend the bloom season by prompting the plant to produce additional flower buds. After flowering is complete, these plants are usually pulled out and replaced with warm season, summer-flowering annuals.

Propagating Cineraria

Cineraria is usually propagated from seed, but you can also propagate new plants for indoor winter growing by taking stem cuttings in the fall: Propagated in this manner, the new plant should flower within about three months.

How to Grow Cineraria From Seed

Popular in the commercial trade as a cut flower, cineraria is most commonly propagated by seed. Plant the seeds in small pots or flat trays containing commercial seed-starter mix, lightly pressing the seeds into the soil. Do not cover them with soil because they need light to germinate. Keep the seeds moist; germination generally takes 14 to 21 days. As seedlings develop their true leaves, they can be transplanted into individual pots to continue growing. The plants will bloom 16 to 18 weeks after seed germination. If grown as garden perennials, these plants will readily reseed themselves and colonize. If you wish to prevent this, deadhead the flowers before the seeds mature.

Potting and Repotting Cineraria

When grown in containers, cineraria does well in an ordinary commercial potting mix with a high peat content. For best bloom, they prefer to be somewhat root-bound, so small containers with good drainage are usually sufficient. These are not easy plants to grow indoors as houseplants because they require careful control of temperatures (cool) and humidity (high). Give indoor potted plants more light than is required for outdoor plants.


Once they flower, cineraria is reluctant to bloom again, so the plants are often removed from the garden once flowering is complete. If you live in a climate where cineraria can be grown as a garden perennial, you might want to leave the plants in place so that they will self-seed and create new volunteer plants.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Cineraria is subject to quite a number of plant pests and diseases. Indoor plants are often more susceptible than outdoor garden plants. Aphids, thrips, spider mites, white fly and leaf miners can all feast on cineraria. The best treatment is a spray with a horticultural oil such as neem oil. Disease issues include powdery mildew, gray mold, fungal rot of the crown or roots, and various plant viruses. Keeping soil moisture levels and humidity levels correct will prevent many disease problems, but badly affected plants might need to be removed.

How to Get Cineraria to Bloom

Failure to bloom can usually be traced to a lack of water or nutrients. Cineraria is a relatively demanding plant that needs a half-strength feeding every two weeks. Frequent light feeding is the key to good flowering. These plants also require soil that is consistently moist but not soggy.

Common Problems With Cineraria

The trickiest part of growing cineraria is getting the moisture levels right. Too much water induces root or crown rot, while too little water will prevent the profuse blooming that these plants are famous for. They are also quite sensitive to temperature, preferring coolish conditions and often succumbing when conditions are too warm. It’s best not to grow cineraria at all if you live in a very hot climate, and excessively dry or rainy conditions are also problematic.