Leaves resemble slightly rounded ovate wedges, 2 to 3 inches wide. Catching the breeze and the sunlight, leaves are dark green above and lighter underneath and showcase glorious golden fall foliage. To brighten the quietude of winter, this deciduous tree reveals its gleaming white bark along the trunk and young branches. Commonly referred to as white-barked birch, the thin peeling bark was used in ancient times as paper for Sanskrit scripture. Plant the tree in cool weather in the spring or fall. The tree quickly spreads up to 35 feet wide and grows 40 to 50 feet tall. Provide plenty of space to let it grow freely and adorn the garden with its snowy white framework.


Himalayan birch prefers full sun, but it will grow in part shade where it can receive direct sunlight for two to six hours of the day. Afternoon shade can be beneficial in shading the shallow roots, especially in the hotter areas of Zone 7.


It will thrive in just about any soil type, from clay to loam to sand. Like other birches, its roots are shallow. Plant in a low-traffic spot. After planting, cover the planting area with mulch to help keep the roots cool and moist. Consider companion plants such as evergreen groundcovers, which will protect and shade the roots further.


Himalayan birch can tolerate very wet soil. It is often used in wetland restoration. In well-draining soils, it can grow up to 18 inches per year. Use a soaker hose to establish strong roots during its first year.

Temperature and Humidity

Native to the Western Himalayan Mountains of Kashmir and Nepal, it does best in temperate summers and cold winters. Birch trees prefer cooler summer weather; the 65-to-80-degree Fahrenheit range is ideal for them. Extremely hot weather, above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, can damage the tree and stunt its growth. These trees thrive in average humidity.


Birch trees are hardy enough to withstand a variety of poor soils but can grow stronger with a low-nitrogen fertilizer. Choose a slow-release formula with added iron.

Birch Tree Varieties

As an alternative that is less prone to disease than Himalayan birch, you might consider plating a birch tree variety that is native to North America such as

Bog birch (Betula pumila), a medium-size, shrub-like birch for wet locations River birch (Betula nigra), a fast-growing tree valued for its exfoliating reddish-brown bark an buttery yellow fall color Cherry birch (Betula lenta), a large landscape tree with bark that resembles cherry trees


A deep-rooted Himalayan birch needs very little care. Prune in late autumn or winter, never spring because of running sap.

Propagating Himalayan Birch

You can propagate Himalayan birch from a cutting taken in the late spring or early summer.

How to Grow Himalayan Birch From Seed

Alternatively, you can also grow the tree from seed, which requires cold stratification:

Potting and Repotting

Himalayan birch is a large tree with an extensive root system. Growing them in containers is not recommended.


Himalayan birch is a hardy tree that and an established tree will handle winter just fine. Smaller trees can benefit from several inches of mulch to help protect the roots during the first several years of growth.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Hot or humid conditions can often affect birch. A weakened birch is vulnerable to the bronze birch borer, a wood-boring beetle that girdles the trunk. Japanese beetles can also damage the foliage. Aphids, birch leaf miners, and birch skeletonizers pose minor and less frequent problems. (If the ground is sticky beneath the tree, this could be excrement from aphid feeding.) Generally, when a birch tree is stressed by insects, it is more susceptible to cankers.