Because of their suede-like texture, lamb’s ears are favored for their foliage rather than their flowers. However, some varieties do flower on tall spikes in the late spring or early summer, in shades of pinkish-purple or white. Some gardeners find the flower spikes charming, while others cut them off to encourage the foliage, as many do with hosta. Bees are not so fussy and are very attracted to the slightly fragrant flowers. Don’t try to use lamb’s ear as a specimen plant. They look best either as a rambling ground cover or as soft edging. The silvery foliage makes an especially nice complement to purple flowering plants. As an edger, they will need to be kept within bounds. These plants readily spread because their stems can take root if they touch the soil and they self-seed profusely, although you can control that by deadheading.


Lamb’s ear prefers full sun to part shade. They’ll need more shade in hot climates and during hot, dry summers because the leaves can burn to a crisp if they are exposed to hot sun without water for long periods.


Lamb’s ear prefers a dry to medium-moisture, slightly acidic or slightly alkaline soil. Although they are not terribly fussy about soil pH, they do need well-draining soil. If your soil tends to retain water, add a good amount of organic matter before planting.


Lamb’s ear is native to dry regions of western Asia, and it does best in relatively dry to medium-moisture conditions. Rot and fungal leaf spot may result if they receive too much water.

Temperature and Humidity

These are quite adaptable plants and can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 4 to 8. When summers are extremely hot and dry, lamb’s ear will require more shade. This plant is not well-suited for very humid locations, where fungal leaf spots are frequently a problem.


Lamb’s ear does not like rich, fertile soil, and it is generally best to avoid feeding it with supplemental fertilizers.

Types of Lamb’s Ear

Recommended cultivars of lamb’s ear include:

Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’: This cultivar does not bloom at all and is grown only for its attractive leaves.Stachys byzantina ‘Helen von Stein’: This is another non-bloomer. It is a slightly larger plant, at 12 to 18 inches tall and 18 to 24 inches wide. It is also known as ‘Big Ears’.


Aside from deadheading the flowers and flower stalks, lamb’s ear requires very little maintenance. The lower foliage can become brown and tattered looking later in the season and will look better with some cleanup. New leaves will quickly fill in. Many gardeners remove the flower stalks before the flowers bloom because this is a plant grown mostly for its foliage. If you want to be kind to the local bees, however, keep the flower stalks for them to enjoy the tiny insignificant blooms.

Propagating Lamb’s Ear

Lamb’s ear’s spreading habit and the tendency to grow from the center out, leaving a dead spot in the middle, makes the plant a candidate for frequent division, every two to four years. Division is the easiest way to propagate lamb’s ear. The newer varieties on the market that do not flower tend to be slow growers and won’t need division quite so frequently. Lamb’s ear divisions transplant very easily:

How to Grow Lamb’s Ear From Seed

You can start lamb’s ear from seed, but if you want one of the hybrids, such as ‘Helen von Stein’, you will need to start with nursery plants.


Once lamb’s ear is established, it can handle winter conditions quite well. It might even remain green during milder winters. In the spring, gently rake through the lamb’s ear to remove winter debris.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Lamb’s ear is prone to fungal diseases, perhaps mostly because it grows so low to the ground. The regular use of a fungicide and good watering techniques can go a long way toward preventing disease. Nematodes will sometimes attack lamb’s ear, stunting its growth.

Common Problems for Lamb’s Ear

Because the foliage grows so close to the ground, rotting can become a problem. Mulching under the plants helps keep leaves dry. When watering the plant, make sure to aim the water at the soil rather than wetting the foliage, which can help prevent fungal spots.