If your garden beds are large enough, space plants 36 to 90 inches apart. If garden space is limited, install a trellis or other type of support system and train the vines to grow up the supports


Plant lemon cucumbers in full sun, at least six to eight hours of sunlight per day.


Lemon cucumbers are heavy feeders and require rich, well-drained soil similar to any other cucumber variety. For an extra nutritional boost, mix in finished compost or well-rotted manure. Maintain a slightly acidic soil pH of 6.5 to 7.0 (neutral).


Well-draining soil will prevent rot of germinating seeds and the roots of developing plants. Keep the soil evenly moist while seeds are germinating. When seedlings appear, continue to water regularly to encourage the cucumbers to set flowers. Give plants one inch of water per week to keep the soil evenly moist. Inconsistent watering leads to bitter tasting fruit. During hot, dry spells, you might need to water several times per week to prevent soil from drying out. However, be sure not to overwater because that can cause the soil to become unnecessarily soggy. Direct water at at the plant’s base to avoid splashing water on the foliage to prevent powdery mildew and other diseases. Two especially effective methods for watering lemon cucumber plants is a drip irrigation system or soaker hose.

Fertilizer and Mulch

Before planting, add compost with phosphorous or mix in a low nitrogen 5-10-10 fertilizer. A fertilizer too high in nitrogen might burn plants or encourage foliage growth and not much cucumber production. Fertilize plants every two weeks with an all-purpose fertilizer. At planting time, apply a layer of organic mulch (straw, shredded leaves, or any another organic material) to keep roots cool, retain moisture, provide pest protection, and prevent the fruits from lying directly on soil. Do not use more than three inches of mulch, as too much mulch may exacerbate an existing slug issue.

Temperature and Humidity

Lemon cucumbers are a good variety for cooler climates. Easy to grow and naturally prolific, they tend to require less heat to ripen than some other cucumber varieties and less likely to taste bitter. Generally, plants thrive in temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit and below 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Starting from Seed

Start lemon cucumber seedlings indoors two to four weeks before the last frost date, or if starting them outdoors, sow directly in the soil after all danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed to at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use a variety of containers to start seeds indoors. Milk jugs can serve as mini-greenhouses. Seed trays are good for starting many seeds all at once. Fill jugs and/or trays with high quality seed starter soil. Moisten soil well before sowing seeds (don’t soak the soil) and then nudge seeds into the planting medium and cover them lightly.


To save space, you can grow cucumber vines vertically on trellises. Make sure the trellis structure is strong enough to bear the weight of the mature vines as they produce fruit. Just before or just after planting, install the trellises and locate the cucumber plants at the base of the trellis. It’s best not to disturb growing plants and move them to a trellis. Cucumber vines naturally send out tendrils for climbing, but you can support them on the trellis by using plant ties. twist ties, garden velcro, or stretchy garden tape to secure them to the structure.


Harvest 1.5-inch lemon cucumbers for pickling and two-inch lemon cucumbers for slicing. Then store them in the fridge.

Common Pests

Aphids and spider mites are among the pests that can be controlled with insecticidal soap. If cucumber beetles are a problem, squish any eggs you see and remove adults by hand and drop them into a bucket of soapy water.