
Grow in dappled sun or light summer shade. Plant bulbs along a woodland garden sunny edge with its roots in the shade and its head in the sun.


Give orange lilies open, well-draining loamy soil that is rich in humus. Though they will also grow in normal garden soil and adapt to light sandy, heavy clay, or calcareous soils.


This perennial has average watering needs. Water about one inch a week while plants are growing, but only if the soil feels dry as wet soil can rot lily bulbs, and too much water on the foliage and flowers can cause mildew or mold. Give potted lilies water until the excess drains from the pot.


Feed orange lilies a low-nitrogen blooming fertilizer like 5-10-10 or 7-9-5. When a fertilizer is low in nitrogen, it will send more nutrition to the flowers and not too much to the leaves. Spread this fertilizer over the roots in spring, scratching in it into the soil. Water well.


After the plant stops blooming in fall, prune old leaves.


Gather bulbils in late summer as they begin to fall off stems and pot them in a greenhouse until they are big enough to be transplanted outdoors. Divide young bulbs once leaves have died when plants are dormant in autumn. Put 2 or 3 bulbs in one pot before transplanting them in the ground, or just plant them in the ground immediately. Also remove the bulb scales from the mother bulbs, and keep them in a warm dark place in a bag of moist peat until they produce bulbets.

Growing from Seed

Opinions on whether lily cultivars and hybrids can grow from seed vary. To try to grow orange lillies from seed, sow when they are ripe in a cold frame where they will likely germinate in spring. Seeds may also store in a warm/cold/warm stratification cycle, each period about 2 months long. Grow orange lily seeds in cool, shady conditions. Sow seeds thinly in a fertile medium.

Common Pests and Diseases

In early spring protect the plant from slugs, which might eat the shoot tip and prevent the lily from growing that year. Orange lily can also be susceptible to aphids.