To plant it outdoors, wait until all danger of spring frost has passed. The popcorn plant’s vibrant color makes it a dramatic sight in the summertime garden landscape. It is a heat-tolerant species, well suited to hot and humid regions.


The popcorn plant likes heat and light, so it’s best to place your plants in direct sun. If the plant is getting too hot and dry, its leaves may close up during the day. They also tend to close up at night to conserve moisture.


This plant likes very fertile, rich, and well-drained soils. When grown in pots, potting mix with some sandy loam is a good combination. Potting mix alone may drain quickly and leave this moisture-loving plant too dry.


Water your tropical popcorn plant regularly. Daily is the best bet if it’s in a container. If the leaves close up during the day, that means it may be wanting some water. Keep the soil moist but not wet. Misting the leaves with water in a sprayer is advisable if the weather is hot and dry.

Temperature and Humidity

After daily temperatures fall below 80 degrees Fahrenheit, the flowering and growth of your popcorn plants will slow down somewhat. This plant adores high humidity levels.


Popcorn plants respond well to fertilizer throughout the growing season. Fertilize in late spring and again once or twice in middle and/or late summer with a fertilizer designed specifically for tropical plants. For the amount to use, follow the product label instructions.


Deadheading spent blooms and trimming any dead or leafless branches will help to keep your popcorn plant looking healthy and full. There’s no need for serious pruning.

Propagating Popcorn Plants

The plant is offered as a fairly inexpensive annual at garden centers so propagating your own might not be worth the effort. Growing the plant from cuttings can take a long while and is often unsuccessful, which is why propagating via seed is usually the best bet.

How to Grow Popcorn Plants From Seed

In late fall, you can pull the dried seed pods from an existing plant. The seed pods are several inches long and contain at least a dozen seeds each.

Potting and Repotting Popcorn Plants

When growing these plants in containers, make sure the soil is well-draining, and ensure plenty of drainage holes in the bottom of the container. Terracotta is an excellent choice as its porous walls allow moisture to evaporate. It can also help to add a layer of pebbles to allow the water to drain even further. The container should be at least a few inches wider than the roots of the plant to allow for space to grow, as well as wide enough to handle the height of the growing plant without allowing it to topple over.


Popcorn plants can be overwintered if kept indoors. A greenhouse is preferable, but a garage is fine if the temperature stays above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. They will only need watering occasionally. If kept in a dark place the plant will go dormant. Bring it back outside once all danger of frost has passed and the nighttime temps stay above 40 degrees Fahrenheit on a regular basis. If you are in a tropical zone, overwintering plants in the garden should not be an issue.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Fortunately, this plant doesn’t have much trouble with pests or diseases. Aphids will sometimes sample it; they can be remedied by a strong jet of water to wash them away or horticultural oil to deter them. This plant can also experience fungal diseases if kept too wet. Avoid this by giving it excellent air circulation and keeping the soil moist, but not wet.

How to Get Popcorn Plants to Bloom

Popcorn plants should bloom readily in their proper climate zone. As a tropical plant, blooms can be severely stunted if the temperatures drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. To keep it blooming well, make sure it’s inside and protected during the colder months. A popcorn plant that is kept in the garden soil will die back if the winters are too cold and will need to be replaced in the spring.