Rupturewort is generally planted in the spring from nursery flats or divisions. It is a slow-growing perennial that spreads gradually without becoming invasive.


Providing you don’t plant rupturewort in full shade, it should do well. It prefers a full sun position but can also spread well in partial shade.


If you have large areas of infertile soil, which other more delicate plants struggle to grow on, rupturewort can be a great addition. It thrives in most soil types, including dry, rocky, poor-quality varieties. The only thing it won’t like is one that is overly moist, so the soil should be well-drained. It prefers an acidic to neutral soil pH; alkaline soils may cause chlorosis and leaf discoloration.


It might be small in stature, but this plant has a long taproot that holds moisture well. It makes it pretty drought-tolerant and, consequently, it can be a popular choice for xeriscape landscaping. It generally does not require additional irrigation. When the weather is hot, it will do well with occasional deep watering, but, generally, it will manage with natural rainfall alone. If it gets too much water, rupturewort can suffer from damaging root rot.

Temperature and Humidity

Rupturewort can handle a wide range of weather in zones 5 to 9. In the northern end of its range, it may die back in winter, returning in the spring. In the sourthern part of its range, it generally remains evergreen year-round. Native to the temperate regions of Europe, it’s no surprise that it can handle hot spells well. One thing rupturewort won’t cope well with is a very humid environment. Too much moisture isn’t good for the roots of this plant. It isn’t bothered by high winds, but it doesn’t thrive with maritime exposure.


The only time your rupturewort might benefit from fertilizer is when the plant is young and in infertile soil. Mature plants will be robust enough to do fine without any feeding, unless necessary to remedy alkaline soil.

Types of Rupturewort

This type of rupturewort is not available in any additional cultivars, but there is another species, Herniaria hirsuta (hairy rupturewort), that is often planted as an annual ground cover that spreads through self-seeding. It is suitable for zones 2 to 9 and can be used in the same way as H. glabra.


Cutting back straggly stems can help stimulate new growth. As spring begins, any brown,dead stems and leaves can be sheared away. Other than this, rupturewort requires no pruning.

Propagating Rupturewort

Rupturewort isn’t classed as an invasive species, as it’s quite slow-growing. However, it does self-seed and can gradually spread to overtake other carefully landscaped parts of your garden. If it’s becoming over-crowded, clump division can be done in the spring, which will rejuvenate the colony. This is also a good option if you want to plant rupturewort in other areas, too. Here’s how to do it:

How to Grow Rupturewort From Seed

Growing rupturewort from direct-sown seeds in the spring generates good results providing they are sown in a sunny position. Simply scatter the seeds over the planting area and water lightly. You can also sow the seeds indoors for an earlier start. Start them indoors or in a cold frame, eight to 10 weeks before outdoor planting time, using shallow trays filled with potting mix. Sow the seeds on the surface without covering them; moisten by misting the surface of the tray, and keep moist until they sprout—which takes seven to 14 days. Before planting outdoors, harden off the plants for 10 to 14 days.

Potting and Repotting Rupturewort

These plants can add interest to containers planted with other upright plants as they tend to drape over the sides of the pot. Because of their long taproot and ability to spread by over half a meter, you’ll need to pick a container that is sufficiently big enough to accommodate rupturewort. Use a well-draining container of any material, filled with a good-quality commercial potting mix.


Rupturewort generally requires no winter protection or preparation, but you should reduce watering in late fall, as the plant does not like to soak in damp conditions in cooler weather. Dead, brown leaves and stems can be cut away with shears as new growth begins in spring.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Rupturewort has no notable pest enemies, but it can be subject to a variety of leaf spot diseases. Gray or brown spots on the leaves usually indicate gray mold disease, which calls for infected plants to be removed. Reddish spots usually indicate a different type of fungal disease, often treatable by spraying with fungicide before the disease becomes widespread. Damp conditions encourage these diseases, so reducing watering may help prevent them.

Common Problems with Rupturewort

This plant is largely troublefree, but there are several cultural reasons why leaves can turn yellow:

Overwatering: Yellowing leaves can be the first sign of a pending root-rot condition brought on by overwatering.Nutrient deficiency: This often occurs if the soil is too alkaline. These plants prefer a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH, and alkaline soils prevent the plant from absorbing nutrients from the soil. If the leaves turn yellow between the veins, this is the likely reason. Feeding with an acidifying fertilizer may help.