Society garlic’s compact mounds of grassy, arching leaves make it an ideal specimen for the front of a border. Pair with the backdrop of darker foliage such as black mondo grass (Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’) for contrast. Because society garlic grows so vigorously and stays low to the ground, consider planting it as a groundcover. Keep in mind that the leaves give off a smell of garlic when brushed up against, so unless you like having the smell nearby, plant in a low-traffic area. Fortunately, this potent scent also makes it deer resistant.


While society garlic can be grown in partial shade, it will only flower well in sunnier spots. For the showiest flower displays, establish tubers in full sun.


Give society garlic light or sandy soil with a pH between 6.8 and 7.5. It will grow best in moderately fertile soil that is rich in organic matter, but will adapt to almost any soil type, like loam, that is well-drained.


Water plants slowly and deeply in case there is a drought in spring or summer. It’s important that you’re careful not to overwater the plant. Tubers are susceptible to rot, especially when planted in soggy or wet soil. Your garlic plants will do best when watered with regularity during their growing season, allowed to dry out slightly when in bloom, and allowed to almost completely dry out during winter dormancy.


To improve drainage and encourage flowering, work two to three inches of organic compost or general-purpose fertilizer into the soil once a year in early spring.

Temperature and Humidity

Established plants can survive extended droughts, moderate frosts, and light freezes. Remove any foliage that may be damaged by frost.


Often sold as an herb, society garlic is known to be especially delicious in salads and soups. South Africa’s Dutch settlers used it in the place of more traditional garlic. The greens of society garlic can be cooked similar to chives, and the bulbs similar to traditional garlic. Use it to garnish any dish, such as a salad or dessert, with a society garlic flower. Aside from its culinary use, crushed leaves from this plant can also be rubbed on the skin to repel fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.

Society Garlic Varieties

‘Silver Lace’ bears lavender blooms above variegated foliage that is blue-green with white-silver margins.‘Variegata’ bears lavender-pink flowers, similar to the most common species, but is set apart by its straplike foliage, which is striped green and white.‘Tricolor’ flowers are lilac-pink atop silvery-green, blue-gray foliage edged in white or shell-pink.

Propagating Society Garlic

Society garlic can be divided every two or three years, and more plants created from the divisions. Begin by digging up any overgrown clumps in late autumn or early winter, after they have finished flowering. Separate the sections by hand and transplant them to your desired location, planting them at the same depth that they were originally.

Potting and Repotting Society Garlic

In cold-winter climates, grow society garlic in containers. Give the plant especially bright sunlight and bring it inside before the first frost.

Common Pests and Diseases

If grown outdoors, society garlic plants rarely attract insects. Those grown in greenhouses or potted indoors for winter may attract aphids or whiteflies. Syringe the plant with a strong spray of water and use insecticidal soap to treat either of these pest infestations. Spread a layer of crushed eggshells or other gritty material around the base of outdoor plants to discourage any soft-bodied pests.