This plant is toxic to both humans and animals.


Although it can grow in partial shade, Star of Bethlehem prefers a spot with full sun, meaning at least six hours of direct sunlight on most days. Its flowering will be better in full sun.


Star of Bethlehem likes loamy soil. Sharp soil drainage is key for healthy growth. In waterlogged soil, the bulbs can rot.


Young Star of Bethlehem plants need regular watering to keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. Mature plants have some tolerance for dry soil, but they still prefer a moderate amount of moisture. While the plant is actively growing in the spring and summer, water when the soil feels dry a couple inches down. When the plant is dormant its moisture needs are diminished, and it typically doesn’t need any supplemental watering.

Temperature and Humidity

Star of Bethlehem is quite hardy to the temperature extremes of its growing zones (4 to 9). Humidity also typically isn’t an issue as long as its soil moisture needs are met.


Star of Bethlehem flowers best when grown in rich soil. Mix some compost into the soil each spring to promote healthy growth. Additional fertilizing is not necessary, and may even hinder flowering.

Types of Ornithogalum

Star of Bethlehem does not have any named cultivars, but the Ornithogalum genus contains some other species similar to Star of Bethlehem flower. They include:

Ornithogalum arabicum: This plant bears white flowers and grows to around 19 inches tall. It’s hardy in zones 9 to 10.Ornithogalum dubium: This species features orange flowers and reaches only around 10 inches tall. It grows in zones 7 to 10.Ornithogalum nutans: This species grows to around 16 inches high and has white flowers with a lot of green in them. It grows in zones 6 to 10.Ornithogalum thyrsoides: This species also has white flowers and grows to around 16 inches tall. It’s hardy in zones 7 to 10.


After Star of Bethlehem flower’s blooming period is over, you will be left with a mass of tangled foliage that isn’t particularly attractive. However, resist the urge to remove that foliage. As long as it stays green, it will be sending nutrients down to the bulbs. Ultimately the plants will go dormant in the summertime, leaving gaps in your garden bed, at which time the foliage can be removed. Many gardeners opt to plug those gaps with annual plants while others grow perennials next to their Star of Bethlehem plants that will fill in the space as summer progresses.  While deadheading the spent flowers does not prompt additional blooming, it does limit the spread of the plant by eliminating the seeds that readily volunteer wherever they fall in the garden.

Propagating Star of Bethlehem

The bulbs will multiply prolifically over time, producing what are referred to as offsets or bulbils. Here’s how to propagate the plant:

How to Grow Star of Bethlehem From Seed

Star of Bethlehem flower seeds are very tiny and hard to handle, but the plants spread readily via self-seeding. These volunteers sprouting up around the parent plant can be easily dug up and transplanted to a new location, but it may take a few years for them to develop mature bulbs that produce flowers. If you want to curb the spread of this plant, deadhead the flowers (remove the spent blooms) before they drop their seeds.

Potting and Repotting Star of Bethlehem

Because the bloom season is short and the foliage then dies back, Star of Bethlehem is rarely grown in containers. That said, there’s no reason you can’t grow it in a well-draining pot of any material, filled with standard commercial potting mix. After the pots bloom and the foliage fades, move them to a protected, out-of-sight location to overwinter before bringing them back into the open the following spring.


Within its hardiness range (zones 4 to 9), star of Bethlehem is a sturdy plant that rarely succumbs to winter cold. However, gardeners in the northern part of zone 4 may want to protect plants in exposed locations with a layer of dry mulch over the winter. Avoid letting the bulbs soak in cold wet ground, as this can encourage bulb rot.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Star of Bethlehem has no serious pest enemies of note. The only disease that affects it is bulb rot where soils are barren and poorly draining.

How to Get Star of Bethlehem to Bloom

Star of Bethlehem normally produces an impressive flush of white flowers for several weeks in May and June, with 10 to 20 starry white flowers on each stem. The flowers generally open about noon, then close at sunset or when the skies are cloudy. Poor flowering can result if the plant is not getting enough sunlight, if it is overfed with fertilizer, or if the bulbs are not yet mature enough. Propagating offsets may require two years before they flower, and plants propagated started from seeds can take even longer.

Common Problems With Star of Bethlehem

The only significant problem with this plant is its eagerness to spread aggressively. Take care when planting it in a mixed garden bed, as it can take over the space and displace other garden plants. This plant is best used as an underplanting around rose bushes or sturdy shrubs, or in confined meadowy areas where there is no chance of its spread elsewhere. Eliminating a colony takes some diligence, requiring that you carefully dig up the bulbs as you notice plants emerging in the spring. Because Star of Bethlehem also self-seeds so easily, you’ll also need to keep an eye out for tiny volunteers that can fuel a resurgence of a troublesome colony.