Sweet pea shrub’s lovely foliage remains evergreen down to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and in regions that are never touched by frost, it may bloom nearly year-round with purple-pink flowers that resemble those of the sweet pea plant. It can survive in climates with temps down into the low 20s, where it will have a shorter but still impressive bloom period from midsummer into fall. Sweet pea shrub is a fast-growing plant that achieves full size in a single growing season when planted from a potted nursery specimen. It is normally planted in the spring after the soil has fully warmed. Unlike sweet pea plant (Lathyrus odoratus), which is mildly toxic, sweet pea shrub is not toxic to humans or pets. Sweet pea shrub is most commonly planted in the spring from potted nursery plants. Prepare the planting area with plenty of organic material, then plant the shrub at the same height it was in its nursery container. Water regularly as the plant is becoming established, and feed it every spring.


Full sun or lightly dappled positions are best for the sweet pea shrub. This will ensure it flowers abundantly. If it gets too much shade, sweet pea shrub can become overly leggy with few blossoms.


Sweet pea shrub can tolerate a wide variety of soil types, but its preference is well-drained, fertile soil rich in organic matter. It doesn’t appreciate overly wet and heavy soil. A slightly acidic pH is preferable, though sweet pea shrub will also tolerate neutral soil.


While a sweet pea shrub is establishing itself, water regularly especially through the summer months so the soil doesn’t dry out. Give it about one inch of water each week, unless your garden has received ample rainfall. Once established, sweet pea shrub is surprisingly tolerant of short droughts, up to two or three weeks. But extended droughts that completely dry out the plant’s roots can be deadly. It’s a good idea to add mulch around the base of the plant once it has been established. This will help it to retain moisture during infrequent watering. Mulching will also help protect the shrub when the winter temperatures arrive.

Temperature and Humidity

Sweet pea shrub grows best in a warm, frost-free climate (zones 9 to 11). It can, however, still survive when temperatures drop as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit for a short period. But this plant doe not like prolonged chilly, damp conditions.


Using a balanced slow-release fertilizer in the spring can encourage strong blooming. In regions with especially long blooming periods, a second feeding in the fall is often helpful. Container plants may require monthly light feeding.

Types of Sweet Pea Shrub

There are no commonly sold named cultivars of sweet pea shrub. However, there is a related plant, Polygala fruticosa, which is often mistaken for P. x dalmaisiana. P. fruticosa goes by the common name dwarf sweet pea shrub. It has several named cultivars, including “Petite Butterfly,” “Africana,” and “Southern Shore.” Dwarf sweet pea shrub is very similar to its larger cousin and has nearly identical care needs, but grows to only about 3 feet in height and spread. Because it is more compact, dwarf sweet pea shrub is a better choice for growing in containers. Make sure to check plant labels to make sure which of the two species you are buying, as the common names are sometimes used interchangeably.


Because this shrub can become rather leggy, pruning in early spring will help it keep a compact and tidy shape. Annual pruning to eliminate sparsely blooming lower stems will encourage more abundant flowering. To avoid sacrificing blooms, do your pruning after the main flowering periods have concluded.

Propagating Sweet Pea Shrub

Sweet pea shrubs are best propagated from softwood cuttings at the start of the summer. Here’s how to do it:

How to Grow Sweet Pea Shrub From Seed

Standard sweet pea shrub is a hybrid that does not “come true” if you plant the seeds it produces. However, there is a similar species—P. fruticosa (dwarf sweet pea shrub)—can be readily propagated by seed under the right conditions. Spring temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit, plenty of sunlight, and consistently moist soil are needed if you want to direct-sow seeds into the garden. You can start seeds indoors in small pots or seed trays filled with potting mix. Plant the seeds so they are barely covered, about 1/16 inch deep. Moisten the soil, then cover the tray with plastic and place it in a warm area with plenty of bright indirect light. Keep the potting mix moist, but not wet, during the germination period. After the seeds germinate and sprout, uncover the pot or seed tray and place it in direct sunlight to grow the seedlings into viable plants. If using seed trays, wait until the plants have at least two sets of true leaves before transplanting them into their pots. When outdoor daytime temperatures are reliably at 70 degrees Fahrenheit or above and nighttime temperatures are falling no lower than 40 degrees, the plants can be moved to permanent garden locations. Before outdoor planting, it’s best to harden off seedlings by giving them increasingly long daily visits to outdoor conditions for a week or two.

Potting and Repotting

Though standard sweet pea shrubs are fairly large plants, it is not uncommon to grow them in patio containers. The plant is amenable to hard pruning, which allows it to remain a nicely trained container plant. Ordinary commercial potting soil works well as a growing medium for containers. Use the largest pot that is practical, which will limit how often you must repot. Make sure the container drains well. Watering and feeding must be done more frequently with container-grown shrubs. In winter, your container sweet pea shrub should be moved into a sheltered outdoor location. It is usually not practical to overwinter a standard sweet pea shrub indoors, but it is sometimes done with the dwarf variety, P. fruticosa.


In most cases, no winter protection is needed for these plants, but in the northern parts of zone 9, where winter temps might be expected to drop to 20 degrees Fahrenheit or lower, a thick layer of mulch helps guard against frost damage to the roots. In colder climates, these plants may need to be sheltered against cold winter winds to survive.

Common Pests

This plant is free of serious disease problems, and the only common pests are whiteflies and aphids, both of which are easily controlled with horticultural oils or chemical pesticides.

How to Get Sweet Pea Shrub to Bloom

This plant will flower more robustly in full sun locations. And regular hard pruning will keep the plant dense and full of flowers. Like many plants with long bloom periods, sweet pea shrub will bloom best if it gets a spring feeding with a balanced fertilizer. In zones where the plant blooms into fall, a second feeding is recommended.

Common Problems With Sweet Pea Shrub

Other than mild insect issues, this plant registers only a couple of common complaints:

Shrub Is Too Leggy and Sparse

With age, a sweet pea shrub can become leggy with thick, woody stems that produce few flowers. Hard pruning will often help restore the plant, but a very old sweet pea shrub sometimes needs to be removed and replaced with a younger plant.

Leaves Are Yellow

Yellowing leaves are a symptom of too much water. The correct watering intervals are tricky with this plant, as it craves regular moisture but rebels if it receives too much. Don’t irrigate this plant in weeks when your garden has received rainfall. Before watering again, make sure the top 2 inches of soil are dry to the touch.