Tomatillos have heavily serrated obovate leaves, with five-petaled yellow flowers with dark splotches at the base. The round fruits are covered in a papery husk and look like hanging lanterns while growing. As tomatillos mature, they completely fill out the husk and it splits open to reveal the plump little fruits inside. The conventional green tomatillo turns either apple-green or yellow when fully ripe. The purple tomatillo starts green, then turns a dusky eggplant color. The purple varieties tend to be a bit less sour than the green, although both are tart. Tomatillos are similar in appearance to cape gooseberries and ground cherries, but again, their flavors are not really comparable. Tomatillos are much tarter than these fruits, which makes them great choices for dishes such as salsa verde. However, the leaves, stems and husks of these plants are toxic. Tomatillos are generally started indoors, six to eight weeks before last frost. Seed germination to mature fruit usually takes 75 to 100 days for most varieties. Tomatillos are very sensitive to cold temperatures. Wait until the ground has warmed and all danger of frost has passed before transplanting outdoors. Give seedlings plenty of time to harden off before planting; nighttime temperatures should be 55 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Like tomatoes, tomatillos produce roots all along the stem, so the seedlings should be planted deeply. The plants are bushy and about 2 to 3 feet tall. They can get heavy with fruit and staking or caging is highly recommended. Harvesting is easier with at least 3 to 4 feet between plants. Tomatillos are largely trouble-free, provided you provide enough air circulation to prevent fungal diseases. Snails, slugs, and beetles may be rare problems

Tomatillo Care


To fruit well and remain healthy, give your tomatillo plants a spot in full sun.


Add plenty of organic matter to the soil before planting. Tomatillos prefer a well-drained, somewhat neutral soil pH of around 6.5 to 7.0, but for the most part, they will grow anywhere there is heat, sunshine, and regular water.


Tomatillos are fairly drought-tolerant but thrive best with about 1 inch of water per week.

Temperature and Humidity

Tomatillos thrive in climates with hot summers. Humidity levels are generally not a factor.


There is no need to fertilize tomatillos. However, even though tomatillos are lighter feeders than tomatoes, it’s a good idea to work in some compost to the soil before planting.


‘Cisineros’ produces very large, green fruits.‘di Milpa’ is a small wild variety. The name translates as “from the field."‘Pineapple has small, sweet-tasting fruits.‘Purple” is an heirloom variety with large, sweet fruits.‘Toma Verde’ is a traditional green variety.‘Verde Puebla’ is a large productive green variety.


Tomatillo plants tend to grow in height and produce a lot of leaves before they start producing flowers and fruits. You can expect the fruits to start maturing in 75 to 100 days. Once they do start setting fruits, the plants will remain productive until frost. Watch for the moment when the husks begin to split open as the fruits fill out. You can harvest before splitting happens, but the fruits get sweeter as they mature. Tomatillo fruits have a sticky film on them, which washes off easily enough. If you plan to store your tomatillos, keep them in their husks, and refrigerate them. However they will only last a couple of weeks, so use them up fast. Tomatillos are a traditional ingredient of Mexican salsas, especially green sauces like salsa verde. They are also excellent grilled just until charred and slightly softened, or mixed into chili and stews.

Propagating Tomatillos

Tomatillos can be propagated from seeds saved from the pulp of the fruit. Soak the squeezed-out pulp in a bit of water until mold forms on the top. This fermentation phase removes the gel coating from the seeds. Rinse well, and place on a paper plate to dry. Do not dry the seeds on paper towels, because they will stick. Dry thoroughly, place in a paper envelope, then store seeds in a cool, dark location to use the following spring. Tomatillos sometimes self-seed in the garden when fruits fall to the soil and are left to rot. These volunteer seedlings can be carefully transplanted elsewhere in the garden. Tomatillos are also fairly easy to propagate from stem cuttings.