Why Grow Peanuts Indoors? 

For most plant people, legumes are an outdoor garden plant. According to the National Peanut Board, peanuts can take anywhere from 130 to 160 days until harvest time, depending on the type and variety. Furthermore, they like hot weather. So, it’s it possible to grow them indoors? The Plant Kween says YES! “For someone living in [Brooklyn], growing an indoor peanut plant is good practice, and I’m learning while I grow,” says Griffin. One day, they hope to have an outdoor space to grow as many edible plants as possible. “My peanut plant is giving me the foundation for this,” says Griffin. Since most indoor environments are warm enough to satisfy the peanut’s temperature requirements, you can totally grow them in a pot. 

How to Grow Peanuts in a Pot

Get the right seeds: Unlike most houseplants, peanuts are started from seeds. You rarely find peanut starter plants in garden centers. The first step is to purchase seeds. Peanut seeds are the actual edible part of the peanut. “You can’t use salted or roasted peanuts—you need raw peanuts,” says Griffin. Don’t source them from a grocery store. It’s better to purchase fresh seeds from a nursery or online. There are also many varieties of peanuts. However, any peanut will work just fine. “They all grow in similar ways,” says Griffin, “I recommend getting whatever seeds you have access to in your area.” Plant and water them: Break open the shell and plant them at least two inches into the soil. Water weekly and make sure the pot doesn’t dry out. If you want to grow the plant for its foliage, there is nothing more to do. However, if you’re actually going to harvest peanuts from your pot, check out these peanut growing tips. Adjust lighting: Peanuts do need at least eight hours of direct sunlight and loose, rich, well-drained soil. Plant them in a pot that is at least 18-20 inches across and 18 inches deep per plant. This space will give them plenty of room to grow.

Plant Kween’s Top Tips for a Successful Plant

Once you get your peanut plant going, taking care of it is with these simple tips from The Plant Kween.