Surge weed contains a toxin in the milky sap that can be released when the stems are broken, so wearing gloves when handling it is advisable.

Identifying Spurge Weed

Spurge weed is usually considered part of the Euphorbiaceae family, and is a relative of the rubber tree and the castor bean. However, it is sometimes classified as part of the Chamaesyce family, referred to as Chamaesyce maculata, and this may cause confusion. Spurge weed has a lacy network of thin stems with small oval blue-green leaves on both sides. Sometimes the stems have a reddish tinge. Spurge weed is known as a “prostrate” plant, meaning it spreads out in a flat oval or wheel shape wherever it grows, instead of growing upwards. It can spread out to a foot wide in some cases, but usually grows to about 6 or 7 inches in diameter. In some spots it may grow upwards in a loose clump 1-4 inches tall. The flowers are very tiny, sometimes a pale pink color, but often appear to be pale green. This plant has a very fast growth cycle, and goes from germination to flower and seed production in just 30 days, making it a challenging weed in the summer season.

Removing Spurge Weed

Spurge weed is quite easy to pull out. But removing every bit of the tap root is difficult as it is very thin and grows deep. More often that not, the weed will regenerate from that taproot. Digging around the plant to loosen the taproot before pulling it may help. Removal is especially tricky when spurge weed grows from areas that can’t be dug, such as in sidewalk cracks (though you can try using a hori-hori, or Japanese weeding knife which has a thin sharp edge). Diligently pulling it every time it appears can eventually weaken the taproot and kill it. Non-specific herbicides are an option, but keep in mind these chemicals will kill everything in their path, so only use them on weeds growing up through sidewalk cracks and not near other garden plants or food crops. A safer alternative to herbicides if you have spurge weed growing in sidewalk cracks is pouring boiling water or vinegar over the area. This is especially effective after pulling as it may help kill the roots. Many gardeners simply accept that spurge weed will be a constant presence in their gardens once established, and given how easy it is to pull up and how hard it is to fully eradicate it, it is tolerated as an annoying invasive, but not a particularly noxious one (unlike Oriental bittersweet, buckthorn or poison ivy).

Preventing Spurge Weed

It’s hard to prevent growth of spurge weed because it’s so ubiquitous and grows easily in such inhospitable conditions. One way it can be introduced to the garden is from nursery plants, where it may be found growing in containers. Always check your nursery plants before transplanting them and carefully remove any weeds. Spurge grows well in compacted soils, where its thin but strong tap root takes hold. Heavy mulching with newspaper or wood chips can also help keep it at bay, but spurge will also sometimes grow on top of mulched areas. Spurge tends to only grown in lawns that are thin, so maintaining a thick healthy turf in rich soil, with regular mowing, watering and regular applications of fertilizer, is a good way to prevent spurge and other weeds from taking up residence. Using a pre-emergent herbicide might help stop spurge weed from germinating, but it should not be used anywhere near where food crops are grown. Similarly, these herbicides are not recommended if you are trying to attract pollinators to your garden. Pre-emergent herbicides are meant to be used in early spring, and to be effective against spurge they should be used before the daytime temperature reaches 60F.