The tarantula hawk wasp is most active during the hot summer months, flying very low to the ground to search for prey. This species feeds on nectar, pollen, and fruit. Tarantulas and other large spiders are only a food source for their brood. Most experts recommend that these wasps be left alone, as they don’t cause damage and only sting when seriously provoked. Even though they are not aggressive, a female may defend her burrow if threatened; only females will sting. If you spot tarantula hawk wasps near your home, you can get rid of these insects and take preventative measures to keep them away from the house.

What Do Tarantula Hawk Wasps Look Like?

Around 2 inches in length, the tarantula hawk wasp is metallic blue-black. It can have similarly colored wings or yellow-orange wings edged in black. Males have straight antennae, while females usually have curly antennae. These wasps have long, velvety black legs with hooked claws. The veining in the wings is a distinctive characteristic of Pepsis, which is a helpful way to tell Pepsis and Hemipepsis apart.

Signs of Tarantula Hawk Wasps

If your area is known for having wild tarantulas, then tarantula hawk wasps are likely nearby as well. This species uses tarantulas and other large spiders to serve as incubators for their offspring. Since tarantula hawk wasps are solitary, they aren’t seen in swarms like social wasps. However, another sign that they may affect your home is if you have their favorite foods readily available. As adults, they eat flower nectar and juice from fruit and berries. They favor the nectar of milkweeds, soapberry trees, and mesquite trees. These wasps tend to fly low and hunt along the ground for spiders. They are most active in the summer and during the day, though they tend to go dormant during the extreme heat of mid-day. Stings usually occur accidentally when a person brushes against an insect or steps on it, so it’s important to be proactive when spending time outdoors during these times.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Tarantula Hawk Wasps

Although it’s recommended to leave tarantula hawk wasps alone, you can still attempt to get rid of them on your own. The methods are similar to removing other types of wasps.

Destroy the Nest Using Insecticide Powder (Most Effective)

The best method of removing tarantula hawk wasps near your home is to destroy the insect’s nest. During the day, identify where the nest is. Tarantula hawk wasps create burrows. This will appear as a small hole in the ground, about 1 to 2 inches across. They often use the natural cavities in rocks and trees, and they can also steal burrows from other insects or small animals. A constant presence of tarantula hawk wasps indicates an abundant food supply (or that a female has found a place to lay her eggs). Return at night when the wasps are least active. Use a carbaryl-based insecticide powder, putting it down inside the burrow’s entrance. Cover the nest up with moist soil. Alternatively, you can use gasoline. Pour it down into the hole, then quickly cover the opening with a wet towel. The insecticide or gasoline fumes will kill the wasps. Wait two days before digging out the nest and disposing of it.

Create a DIY Trap

Another way to combat tarantula hawk wasps is to trap the wasp itself. This method is the fastest because these insects live alone, so capturing the wasp should solve the problem (unless your home is attracting additional wasps). Here’s how to make a homemade wasp trap for an organic, non-insecticide alternative:

Encourage Natural Predators of Tarantula Hawk Wasps

Due to their extremely large stingers, tarantula hawk wasps have very few predators. Only roadrunners and bullfrogs will take them on. If you have roadrunners or bullfrogs on your property, you have a predator on your side. However, roadrunners tend to be aggressive birds. Bullfrogs are mostly found near water habitats, rarely venturing far into the dry, desert terrain that these wasps are often found in. If you live near water, you can encourage local bullfrog populations to reside closer to your home with a pond that includes plenty of vegetation.

What Causes Tarantula Hawk Wasps?

Tarantula hawk wasps can be present wherever tarantula spiders are found and wherever the wasps can find their favorite foods. The following are possible causes of tarantula hawk wasps near your home:

Spiders: If you have a tarantula hawk wasp problem, you likely have a spider problem in the house as well. You may want to do some landscape grooming. Like spiders, these wasps favor rocky areas, sandy terrain, and naturalized landscapes. They are less likely to be found in cultivated lawns and gardens. Remove spider enticements like rock crevices, yard debris, long grass, and untrimmed bushes. Bushes should have a clearing of 6 to 12 inches off of the ground, and overgrowth should be pruned. Repair or remove water sources outside, and consider creating a garden of plants that repel spiders. Sugary foods and drinks: When you are eating or drinking outside, be aware that sugary, sweet foods attract wasps. If you have a known wasp problem, refrain from eating sweet foods outside. Also, check food and beverage containers before bringing them to your mouth; a hungry wasp won’t think twice about feasting on your food, and unattended bottles or containers may have these insects inside.

How to Prevent Tarantula Hawk Wasps From Entering Your Home

Tarantula hawk wasps have been known to seek cool indoor spaces during the heat of summer days. It’s a good idea to seal all cracks, crevices, and gaps in your home’s structure (especially in the foundation). Ensure that your doors and windows are well-fitted and screens are in good repair. Keep doors and windows shut, especially during the hottest part of the day. These ground-hunting wasps can easily be stepped on if you walk across a lawn or other terrain with bare feet, so it’s also smart to wear shoes in your yard and other areas where tarantulas or their predator wasps are present.

Tarantula Hawk Wasp vs. Asian Giant Hornet

Tarantula hawk wasps and Asian giant hornets are both large species of insects, and their similar appearance can lead to confusion. However, tarantula hawk wasps are often larger despite most hornets being larger than wasps. These wasps can also be identified by their blue-black colored bodies in contrast to the Asian giant hornet’s orange and black striped body.

When to Call a Professional to Treat a Tarantula Hawk Wasp Infestation

You won’t likely need to call a professional exterminator for one tarantula hawk wasp incident. If you have a sighting, it’s probably an isolated event. However, if you have a tarantula infestation inside your home, these wasps may become a problem. If tarantulas are finding cracks and crevices to get into your home, a wasp can as well. During summer and fall, tarantulas get into homes by slipping through open doors, torn window and door screens, window wells, gutters, cracks in home siding, or underneath the home’s crawl space. They also dig burrows in the soil near homes and can slip through foundation cracks to enter basements or crawl spaces. Homeowners with ant or beetle problems are most likely to have tarantulas near the home, as these are convenient food sources for the spiders. Licensed pest professionals have access to better tools and products than the typical homeowner, can identify spider types, and discover if wasps and tarantulas are secondary to another insect infestation.