To make life more bearable, Lela Casey, a writer for Aeris Health, shares her wisdom on how to keep the pollen out of your home this spring.

1. Check the Local Pollen Count

During the pollen season, you will often hear “pollen counts” mentioned along with the forecast. This is the measurement of the number of grains of pollen in a cubic meter of air. “A high pollen count is considered 9.7 to 12.0 grams of pollen per cubic meter,” says Casey. For those who suffer from allergies, a high pollen count means sinus issues, watery eyes, coughs, and other cold-like symptoms. Even for those without typical seasonal allergy symptoms, excess particles in the air can cause an itchy throat and eyes. Before you head out for the day, check the pollen count so you can prepare. If it’s high, you may want to hold off on any outdoor activities.

2. Keep the Windows Closed & Consider an Air Purifier

After a long winter, it’s tempting to throw open the windows to let in some fresh air. “Managing your indoor air is even more important during the spring and fall when pollen can get into your home,” says Casey. It’s best to keep windows shut and turn on the A/C if it gets too warm. Change your HVAC filters, or better yet, upgrade to a HEPA filter that will trap more pollen. If needed, add an air purifier. “A good air purifier can remove up to 99.95 percent of the pollutants in your air, “ says Casey. As pollen season intensifies, air purifiers become an indispensable tool in the fight against allergies.

3. Decontaminate

Eventually, you will have to go outdoors. However, you can do a few things to limit the amount of pollen you track into the house. Wipe your feet on the doormat or remove your shoes outdoors. The same goes for jackets, sweatshirts, or other outer clothing that has pollen on it. Don’t forget about your pets. If they spend significant time outdoors, they can track pollen indoors too. Give them a good brushing and wipe them down before they come into the house.

4. Clean

While it’s almost impossible to keep all the pollen out, setting up a regular cleaning routine will help tremendously. “Things like wiping down surfaces and vacuuming should be done daily,” says Casey, “but it’s also important to remember those often-overlooked spots like windows, curtains, laundry rooms, basements, refrigerator drain pans, and old books.” Casey suggests wearing a mask while cleaning to minimize breathing in any extra dust or pollen. Pollen is necessary to help plants bloom and procreate. However, with these easy-to-follow tips, you can keep most of it outdoors, where it belongs.