Try these DIY tips for improving indoor air quality naturally.

10 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Good

Make it a habit to open your windows each morning for as long as privacy and weather permit. Your whole house will smell fresher and you’ll get a mood-boosting, energy-upping dose of morning sunshine. A win-win. To keep the air fresh, strip your bed and wash the sheets every week—more often if you let your pets sleep with you or you are particularly susceptible to allergies. Take it a step further by changing your pillowcases every other day. This not only helps keep your room smelling fresh but also helps keep your complexion looking its best. But don’t automatically reach for harsh chemicals to deodorize your carpet. Instead, try baking soda. It’s cheap and it’s easy. Just sprinkle a thorough coating over your carpet, let it sit for at least an hour, then vacuum the powder away, along with the stink. Choose ones with soothing scents, such as lavender, jasmine, vanilla, or sandalwood. Stir the carrier and essential oils together in the jar, arrange the skewers into a bouquet, and set the diffusor on your nightstand. Be patient—it’ll take a day or two for the scent to make its way up the skewers. You’ll need a clean spray bottle, a cup of distilled water, three tablespoons of rubbing alcohol (you can use unflavored vodka if you prefer), and at least 20 drops of your favorite essential oils. Use a single scent or combine relaxation-enhancing oils like bergamot, lavender, chamomile, vanilla, and rose. Simply mix the ingredients in the spray bottle and spritz the air as often as you like.