What Is a Pixiu?

If you visit current-day China, you might encounter majestic statues of the Pixiu on guard. The Pixiu is a hybrid creature that can appear slightly different depending on the region or time period in which it was made. Generally, it is shown with a dragon head on a lion or dog-like body. Sometimes it has wings or a horn. And it’s often depicted sitting on its hindquarters like a dog. It appears quite stable and maybe even a little portly.

How to Activate Pixiu

There are certain things to know for how to activate Pixiu. First, it should be placed in a metal bowl that’s filled with gems and metals to “feed” it and teach it to look for wealth and abundance. This should be done annually ideally before Chinese New Year.  Bracelets should be worn on your left hand with the head facing outward toward your little finger. A ring should be worn on your middle finger. And a necklace should have the Pixiu facing upward. Wear the jewelry as much as possible with the intention of attracting abundance. Pet the Pixiu to strengthen your bond, but don’t touch its mouth or eyes and don’t let others touch it.

The Story of the Pixiu

There are different Chinese legends that explain Pixiu mythology and what the Pixiu means. Most indicate that the Pixiu was the youngest of the nine children born of the legendary Dragon King. It’s said that on one occasion, the Pixiu visited the Jade Emperor and defecated all over the palace floor. As a result, the Jade Emperor sealed the Pixiu’s bottom, and it could no longer excrete and have such an accident again. Pixiu mythology also discusses how the Pixiu eats valuable jewels, silver, and gold, but this never leaves its body (remember the sealed bum?). Therefore, the Pixiu became a symbol of abundance and wealth because it consumes treasures but never releases them. So what does a Pixiu do? It is believed that it can receive and hold wealth for its owner.

History of Male and Female Pixiu Energies

There are both male and female forms of Pixiu energy, which are usually distinguished in figurines by the number of antlers. The male Pixiu has one antler, and its function is to search for treasures. The female Pixiu has two antlers and is charged with protecting the wealth. Often you’ll only find one type on jewelry and decorative items, though some do contain both male and female forms.

How to Use Pixiu for Feng Shui

Types of Pixiu

Brass, jade, or other semiprecious stone statuettes are the most popular materials for Pixiu, as they connect a totem with wealth and prosperity. Brass can bring in the metal element and is the color of gold. Jade is a treasured healing stone in feng shui, and it’s also the color of the wood element, which promotes growth and life energy.

Protection at Your Entry

Historically, the Chinese positioned Pixiu statues strategically to act as guardians for temples and palaces in ancient times. In modern day, smaller likenesses of Pixiu are used in the home to bring in more wealth and to protect the household. A pair of Pixiu on either side of the front door can be placed with the intention to keep the inhabitants of the home safe and financially stable. 

Boost Your Wealth Corner

You can place the Pixiu in your wealth area facing toward the entrance, so it can symbolically gobble up and protect wealth and money for the family. You can find the wealth area of your home by standing in the front door looking in. The far left corner of the home is the corner related to your prosperity and wealth. 

Secure Success for Your Desk

In feng shui, your desk and workspace represent your career. The representation of the Pixiu would be a supportive way to enhance the feng shui of your career to invite more prosperity and good luck. You can place the Pixiu in the wealth corner of your desk or of your office. The wealth corner is the top left corner of your desk. If you want to locate this area for your office, stand in the doorway looking in. The far left corner of the room is your wealth area. Be sure to have the Pixiu facing the door, so it can catch any wealth and keep it safe for you.

Wear Pixiu Amulets to Enhance Your Qi

Feng shui is not just for your home; it can also be used on your person. Small figurines of the Pixiu can be used as an amulet (as with jewelry) to harness the good luck and symbolism of the Pixiu. It’s very popular and easy to find miniature Pixiu on bracelets carved from semiprecious stones, such as tiger’s eye, citrine, jade, and even gold.

Care for Your Pixiu

If you do choose to bring a Pixiu symbol into your home, be sure to care for it well—like a favorite pet. Keep it polished, dust free, and clean. You can even offer love and give it a little pat on the head as you pass.

Who Cannot Wear Pixui?

The Pixiu is not suitable for everyone. Those who cannot wear Pixiu include children, pregnant people, those who are sick, those who are very old, and others with deficient chi (energy). Moreover, the Pixiu is not meant for those with the zodiac signs of the tiger, rabbit, or dog.