What Bedrooms and Plants Represent

Your bedroom represents you in feng shui, and it’s the most private area of your home. It’s the best place to start to use feng shui to improve your life. In addition, plants are a skillful way to bring the natural world into your home’s interior so that you can receive the benefits of nature. Plants in feng shui also represent life energy, vitality, restoration, and growth. They are also an expression of the wood element, which is one of the five elements used in feng shui. The wood element also brings in movement, kindness, and flexibility. Plus, everybody loves a great houseplant!

How to Use Plants in Your Bedroom

One way to use plants in your bedroom for good feng shui is to look at the feng shui bagua map. The feng shui bagua is an energy map that can be overlaid on your home, but not many people know that you can also lay it just on your bedroom. To do this, you would stand in the doorway of your bedroom facing in, and align the bottom of the bagua map with your bedroom door. This means that your door will either be in the Knowledge area, the Career area, or the Helpful People area. Each of these areas have different associations, but in general, you can place a plant in the area of your bedroom that you would like to enhance and activate. It may be tempting to activate all of the areas at once, but stick to just one or two that you would most like to work on right now.

The Bagua Areas and What They Represent: 

Family area: The Family area, called Zhen in Chinese, is related to family as well as new beginnings. If you want to provide more harmony in your family, or if you’d like more support in getting new projects started, you can place a plant here. Wealth area: The Wealth area, also called Xun, is related to abundance and prosperity. If you would like to see more slow, steady, robust growth in your prosperity, you can find a robust plant and take care of it very well. You may want to look for a beautiful tree with deep roots, and make sure it is something you can actually take care of. Fame area: Li, or the fame area, is connected to how you are seen and recognized. It’s also related to the fire element.  Adding the wood element here in the form of a plant can feed the fire in this area, which can support how you are seen in the world so that you are recognized and not overlooked. Relationship area: The relationship area, also called Kun, is related to relationships and partnerships. You can add a plant here if you want to grow a new or existing romantic relationship. You may also want to work with the relationship area if you want to cultivate a deeper relationship with your mother, or invite more feminine energy. Children area: In addition to children, this area is also connected to completion. It’s called Dui in Chinese. If you need help completing a project, or if you want to support your children in a subtle way, try placing a plant here. Helpful people area: If you want to invite more helpful, supportive people into your life, you can add a plant to the helpful people area, also called Qian. Working with this area can also help you invite in more masculine energy or nurture your relationship with your father. Career area: The career area, called Kan in Chinese, is also related to wisdom and your path in life. If you want to cultivate your wisdom or your career, try placing a plant in this area of your bedroom. Knowledge area: The knowledge area, also called Gen, is connected to skills, spirituality, and self-cultivation. You may want to place a plant here if you want to work on developing your skills or your spiritual practice.

How to Select and Care for Your Plant

No matter where you put a plant in your bedroom, make sure you choose something that you’re able to care for properly. Select a plant that you will be able to take care of and something that will be able to thrive in the conditions of your bedroom. If you choose a plant that loves sunlight, for example, and you only have one small window in your bedroom, it will most likely not do very well! Once you’ve chosen and placed a plant, make sure you understand its needs, and care for it accordingly. Different plants need different things when it comes to things like watering, humidity, fertilizer, and drainage. If you’re not sure which plants to start with, some of our favorite plants for the bedroom are monstera, Chinese money plant, and golden pothos. (Pothos is especially good for plant beginners!)