All concentrations of acetic acid, including household vinegar, should cause treated leaves to brown within 24 hours. Young, tender weeds and annual weeds like crabgrass are susceptible to treatment with household vinegar. However, the roots are often not killed entirely and the weeds may reappear within a few weeks. Repeated applications, usually three, are more effective and stronger concentrations of acetic acid work even faster and longer.

Acetic Acid vs. Vinegar

Acetic acid is created by fermenting alcohol. Household vinegar has a 5 percent solution of acetic acid made from the fermentation of plant products like grapes and apples. There are stronger concentrations of acetic acid available and even synthetically created acetic acid. All vinegar contains acetic acid, but not all acetic acid is vinegar.

Is Vinegar an Organic Control?

If the acetic acid in the product is created by the distillation or freeze-evaporation of plant sources, like household vinegar or the stronger concentrations sold for home canning, it is considered organic. Acetic acid made by synthetic processes is not.

Effects of Vinegar on Soil

Being an acid, it can lower the soil’s pH a little. This is a temporary effect. Acetic acid breaks down quickly in water, so any residue will be pretty much gone after the first watering or rain.

Using Acetic Acid as a Herbicide

Vinegar is not labeled for use as a pesticide, so Cooperative Extension agents aren’t able to recommend its use. But a homeowner can experiment. Household vinegar works well on young weeds. Repeated applications improve its effectiveness.

Spray it directly on the leaves and try for total saturation without too much run-off.Don’t apply if rain is expected or before watering, since water breaks down acetic acid.Avoid spraying any herbicide on windy days, to prevent it from drifting onto plants you don’t want to kill.

Household vinegar often works well on the weeds between the cracks in a sidewalk—the heat from the pavement helps the process along. It’s less effective with the perennial weeds that grow in a flower bed. It helps to apply the vinegar every two or three days until the weeds die off. Another (better) option is to use one of the commercial herbicides on the market. Look for them in the weed killer section of your local garden centers, under names like: Fast Acting Burn Out (St. Gabriel Labs), Nature’s Glory Weed and Grass Killer and Blackberry and Brush Block (Greenergy). Using household vinegar for weed control is not an optimal, long-term solution for homeowners. Aside from the few safe application methods above such as applying in sidewalk cracks, it is not ideal for lawns or around ornamental plants. Regular store-bought vinegar is not going to be strong enough for long term control. For best practices in weed control, consider preventative methods and pre-emergent solutions. Stopping weeds before they start is the best way to get a handle on your weed problem.