Stay Off the Lawn During a Drought

Beyond “training” a lawn to survive with less water, there are management techniques you can use to help the lawn during times of drought. Not surprisingly, staying off the lawn is the biggest help. Drought conditions are extremely stressful to a lawn so avoiding further stress is key. Hold off on projects like aerating and detaching so the plant retains all the moisture that it can.

The Basics of Watering the Lawn

Most lawns are over-watered, so learning how to properly water a lawn will go a long way towards supporting it during times of drought or water restrictions. Deep, infrequent waterings between 3:00 AM and 6:00 AM are ideal; watering at that early hour reduces evaporation while ensuring your grass has the water it needs to thrive. Even water-loving grass species like Kentucky bluegrass are capable of surviving and thriving with much less water than they are normally accustomed to.

Dealing With Summer Heat

Often it is not an extended drought but regular summer heat that can stress a lawn out to the point of decline. Again, managing the stresses will prepare the lawn for drier conditions and better allow it to pull through the tough times. Keeping the height of cut as high as possible (at least three to four inches) and encouraging deep rooting are the most important aspects of dealing with the summer heat. It is also crucial to avoid further stresses like aerating and detaching to avoid further decline or inviting other destructive elements like insects or disease. Mowing the lawn too short or too often during times of drought can have devastating consequences. At the worst, the dormant grass will become worn, injured, and unable to recover once the rain and cooler temperatures return. Keeping the lawn high will retain important photosynthetic leaf material and aid in moisture retention.

Drought Tolerant Lawn Grass

Some grasses are drought tolerant by nature, thriving in conditions most grasses could never handle. These drought-tolerant traits can also be isolated and retained during breeding, resulting in unique cultivars of grass which are attractive lawn grasses while being drought tolerant. Traditionally, drought-tolerant grasses have not been typical lawn grasses but new cultivars, especially fescue species, are both drought resistant and adequate as a lawn.

Downsizing the Lawn

Many areas of the country have experienced major droughts and water shortages resulting in bans, restrictions, and a cultural shift toward water conservation. In some cases where water is scarce and a large lawn is no longer practical, it makes sense to downsize. If a lawn is still desired for children or pets or even aesthetics there’s no need to eliminate it completely, just make the area smaller and easier to manage.

Artificial Grass

Artificial grass isn’t everyone’s aesthetic preference, but in some cases, it’s the most practical option. Desert environments undergoing water restrictions hardly merit an argument for a lawn and a little patch of artificial turf can be all that is needed for a pet or sitting area. Maintenance is easy and many varieties of artificial turf get very close to looking like the real thing.