In its native habitat, this is an epiphytic species, found growing from tree branches and in cracks in rocks in tropical regions of Southeast Asia. As a houseplant, though, it is generally planted in an ordinary well-draining potting mix. Provided the plant gets enough warmth, humidity, and filtered sunlight, you’ll enjoy a prolific display of flowering through much of the year. Generally, though, lipstick plants flower most abundantly in the summer and fall. One thing worth noting is that the lipstick plant isn’t one to select to add a fragrant aroma to your home. Although the blooms don’t have a strong scent, it isn’t particularly pleasant!


Lipstick plants appreciate bright but filtered light. Too much direct sunlight can cause leaf scorch, and too little will result in a poor display of flowering and leaf drop.


In their native damp and tropical regions, these plants grow as epiphytes often rooting onto branches, rock crevices and even other plants. Care is required to ensure they don’t suffer from root rot when planted up. Potted lipstick plant will benefit from being grown in a medium that is well-aerated, evenly moist, and light. Many enthusiasts include sand and sphagnum moss in their mix as this helps ensure good drainage, prevents over-compaction, and promotes absorbency.


Although lipstick plant like consistent moisture, particularly during their most prolific growing period, overwatering and saturated conditions can lead to root rot, leaf drop, and fungal issues. Moderate watering is best. Ideally, you want to avoid allowing the potting medium to dry out completely and offer water when the top couple of inches are no longer damp.

Temperature and Humidity

Ideal temperatures for healthy blooming lipstick plants range somewhere between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures that fall below 50 degrees Fahrenheit aren’t ideal, and leaf drop will usually start to occur. As a tropical species, it appreciates warmth and high humidity; regular misting is recommended to keep the plant healthy. Misting should be done in the morning, which will discourage fungal leaf spot diseases. Sudden changes in temperatures and drafts are problematic, too. So it’s best not to sit your lipstick plant close beside doors, drafty windows, or air conditioning.


Your lipstick plant will appreciate regular (once or twice a month) applications of a slow-release fertilizer during the growing season.

Types of Lipstick Plant

Given the lipstick plants popularity, it’s not surprising that a number of cultivars have been developed. Some of the most widely available include:

Aeschynanthus radicans ‘Curly’: The leaves on this cultivar are wavy rather than smooth in appearance, meaning it stands out from the crowd.Aeschynanthus radicans ‘Mona Lisa’: Known for having a distinctive orange-red shade of flowers rather than the vibrant red of a traditional lipstick plant.Aeschynanthus radicans ‘Variegata’: The green leaves of this cultivar have tones of yellow, whites, or cream mixed in too.‘Tangerine’: This cultivar is unique for its yellow-orange flowers. ‘Rasta’: This variety has densely curled leaves.The bright red flowers bloom most prolifically in late summer and early fall.


With its cascading habit, pruning of the stems can help to prevent the plant from looking straggly. It can also help to encourage new and healthy growth and a fuller appearance.

Propagating Lipstick Plant

These plants are easy to propagate from soft stem cuttings. Here’s how to do it:

How to Grow Lipstick Plants From Seed

Although it’s easier to grow these plants from cuttings, it’s still possible to germinate lipstick plants from seeds. They should be sown in a warm indoor location. The medium should only just cover the seeds, and they should be kept at a temperature of around 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Seedlings should begin to germinate in around a fortnight.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Lipstick plants don’t tend to have any major problems with pests, though occasional issues with aphids, mealybugs, and mites can occur. These are best treated with horticultural oils or by washing off the pests with water spray. If plants are allowed to get overly wet, they can be prone to fungal problems and leaf spot. The leaves should not be left damp, and the potting medium should be well-drained.

How to Get Lipstick Plant to Bloom

This plant generally is a continuous bloomer provided its basic cultural needs are met:

Plenty of bright indirect light, but not direct sunlightProper amount of waterConsistently warm and humid environmentRegular feeding with diluted fertilizer

Correcting deficits in any of these requirements usually returns the plant to reliable blooming.