World’s Best Places to Live

The London-based Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Global Liveability Index, is based on a worldwide search for the best places to live and visit. Looking at 40 different indicators arranged in five separate categories, including stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure, EIU publishes some interesting findings. In 2018’s list, Canadian cities ranked highly, as usual, with three cities in the top 10. Former #1, Melbourne, Australia, lost its top spot after seven years to Vienna, Austria, which won by less than a point. The best-ranked U.S. city is Honolulu, Hawaii, coming in at 23rd in the world.

Safest Places to Live in the U.S.

What about the safest spot back home in the United States? With the recent natural disasters that have devastated so many communities throughout the world, when you are considering your next move, you may be wondering if there is anywhere left that is safe to live. It’s hard to say, of course. So many areas of the country have suffered or will suffer from natural disasters. Whether it is a drought and tornadoes in the Midwest, flooding and ice storms in the Northeast or earthquakes, fires, and mudslides along the west coast, Mother Nature has the upper hand. In 2011, the New York Times published a list of the U.S. cities that are least likely to suffer from a natural disaster:

Best U.S. Places for Singles

So you’re tired of combing the streets and bars of your city in an attempt to find that special someone, or maybe you’ve had enough bad first dates to keep you in on a Saturday night. Don’t despair. The folks at Forbes’s have compiled stats, looking at factors like “coolness,” the number of singles, nightlife, and job growth to come up with the top 12 dating cities:

Best Places for Families in the U.S.

Money magazine compiled a top 10 list of family-friendly communities across the U.S., considering general quality-of-life factors as well as safety, economic stability, and public amenities like parks and libraries:

Best American Towns for Reinventing Yourself

For those of you who are beginning the next stage in life, whether you’re retired or you simply want to start over now that the kids are grown and the nest is empty, AARP magazine surveyed to find the best places in the US to reinvent yourself. Considering many baby boomers will work past their 65th birthday, AARP took job availability into account when ranking a locale. Other factors included the cost of living, affordable housing, culture and entertainment, access to outdoor recreation, universities and colleges, personal safety, sense of community, healthcare facilities, and transportation.