Best planted in the early spring or early fall, patriot hosta will grow at a moderate pace, forming a low-growing clump of leaves that unfurl to reveal a vibrant green center and “painted” white borders. The leaves themselves are large and round, coming to a soft point and featuring corrugated texture. In late spring or early summer, patriot hosta will begin to grow long stalks that extend beyond the foliage and eventually erupt in light purple flowers, which are beloved by pollinators. Divide patriot hosta in early spring to get more of it for transplanting or if you feel that it is outgrowing its space. If you do not care about the flowers, go ahead and deadhead them and allow all of the plant’s energy to go to the foliage.


Plant your patriot hosta in a spot that boasts partial shade. Gardeners that live in especially hot climates can even choose a full shade location for their plants. While patriot hosta can handle more sunlight than other varietals, try to ensure the light it does receive is dappled, not direct. Too much light can result in a dull color, decrease variegation, or browning leaf tips.


Patriot hosta is tolerant of most soil types, as long as the mixture is well-draining. The plant also thrives best in soil that is rich and fertile, so consider amending your chosen blend with a bit of organic compost for added nutrients. If growing your patriot hosta in a container or pot, be sure to select a style that boasts ample drainage holes at its base.


In order to keep your patriot hosta happy, its soil should be moderately moist at all times. Once established in your landscape, patriot hostas can tolerate the occasional dry spell, but they won’t be able to survive long periods of drought. Water your plant regularly (at least once a week, but more in hot weather) at its base, rather than from overhead, which can attract slugs and snails.

Temperature and Humidity

Patriot hosta plants are not overly picky about their temperature or humidity and can grow comfortably in a variety of different environments. The plant can tolerate temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit and will need at least six weeks of temperatures below 42 degrees Fahrenheit to go dormant for the winter.


Patriot hosta will thrive in rich earth, so work some compost into the soil several times a year to give it a boost of nutrients. You can also fertilizer your patriot hosta with a slow-release fertilizer once a season if you choose—just make sure not to get any of the fertilizer grains on the leaves or in the compact center of the plant.

Propagating Patriot Hosta

To increase the quantity of patriot hosta in your landscape, you can divide a healthy “mother” plant in early spring or fall. To do so, carefully dig up the root ball, dividing it into smaller sections that include both roots and leaves. Replant in a container or in the ground, watering frequently until established.

Common Pests and Diseases

Patriot hostas can run into issues with both slugs and snails, which will chew gaping holes in the plant’s leaves that can ultimately kill it if left untreated. Make sure to frequently pick off any snail or slug you see—you can also use a slug bait if your infestation is particularly bad. In addition to slugs and snails, deer are voracious feeders on hosta leaves and can easily wipe out an entire plant in one feeding. If you notice the woodland creatures destroying your hosta plants, you can try locating them closer to your home, where deer are less likely to venture.