Plants Affected by Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew thrives in humid conditions with moderate temperatures. Several different species of fungi in the order Erysiphales can cause the disease, though the symptoms are similar. In any region with humid summers, powdery mildew almost always makes an appearance. While it can affect any plants, there are certain species more susceptible to heavy infection, including:

Apple Begonia California poppy Dahlia Delphinium Hollyhock Hydrangea Lilacs Monarda Oak Phlox Roses Strawberries Zinnia

Damage to Plants

In many cases, powdery mildew does little damage to plants and is merely unattractive. Some plants are so susceptible to powdery mildew that it is virtually unavoidable; you should expect this result if you choose to grow these species. Many gardeners simply resign themselves to the fact that powdery mildew will make an appearance nearly every year and don’t bother to fight it aggressively. But besides being unattractive, powdery mildew can, in extreme cases, result in leaf yellowing and dropping; stunted plant growth; distortion of buds, blooms, and fruit; and eventual weakening of the plant.

Disease Life Cycle

Spores of powdery mildew overwinter on diseased plant parts and begin asexual production of new spores once the weather warms. New spores are carried on the wind to other parts of the plant or to other nearby plants. Spores never stop producing more spores, so if infected leaves are not destroyed, the problem can never be eradicated and will only get worse.

Treatment and Prevention

Powdery mildew thrives in temperatures between 60 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, particularly during humid weather and in shady areas with poor air circulation. Chemical fungicides are generally ineffective against powdery mildew; the best strategies are more physical in nature, such as removing and destroying diseased plants and plant parts. Planting disease-resistant cultivars and making sure you allow for good airflow are two ways to guard against powdery mildew. Also try these control methods to keep powdery mildew in check:

Plant species that are most susceptible in a location where they can receive early morning sun. This will allow condensation and dew to dry quickly and reduce the humid conditions that foster the fungus on plant leaves. Enhance air circulation by spacing plants well apart. Better ventilation reduces disease. Dense plants can be thinned out to improve airflow. Inspect plants regularly during warm, dry conditions, and removing any leaves that show signs of infection. Always destroy (do not compost!) infected plant parts. Apply a spray of 1/4 teaspoon baking soda mixed with 1 quart of water. Spraying plants weekly at the first signs of fungus on leaves can protect plants against further damage. Use neem oil, a commercially available organic treatment. This both treats existing powdery mildew and protects the plant against further infection. Apply a milk spray to your plants as a preventative measure.

Interestingly, an effective means of preventing and treating powdery mildew is to spray the foliage of your plants daily with water from the hose. Powdery mildew hates water; the only caveat with this method is to do it early in the day so the foliage completely dries before cooler evening temperatures arrive. Otherwise, you might invite other fungal diseases, such as black spot, into your garden.