Not long after my husband and I got married, one of us spilled a trail of balsamic vinegar over our new white carpets as we carried plates through the house. We quickly learned how important a reliable carpet cleaning solution was to our household cleanliness and our marriage.  The Resolve Triple Oxi Advanced Carpet Stain Remover is a top seller and a well-known household cleaner brand. It can tackle most everyday stains, including spilled food, dirt, mud, and coffee. It comes in a ready-to-use spray bottle, which I keep under our kitchen sink to grab it quickly when someone spills or makes a mess. The bottle is ready to go after turning the spray nozzle to “open.” Like most cleaning products, the faster you apply it to a mess or stain, the better it will work. Resolve’s portable spray bottle makes it easy it is to keep on hand for messes. The carpet cleaner works on stains and liquid absorbed by the carpet fibers. My daughter flung spaghetti onto a nearby carpet, and I was happy that I had something on hand to clean up the sauce. I picked up the visible pieces of noodles and meat and patted and soaked up any standing liquid on the spot with a towel. Once I had the pieces out of the way, I pulled out the Resolve from its place under the sink, turned the nozzle from its locked position, and sprayed it onto the spot, making sure to spray beyond the stain just a bit. Resolve recommends extending the spray area to avoid creating a ring at the edge of the stain. I let it sit on the stain for around one minute, then dabbed up everything with a paper towel.  It can take up to five minutes for the carpet stain remover to work, especially if you try to use it on a set-in stain. The Triple Oxi Advanced formula is specifically made for these stains, so if you have an old stain, this is the product to try. Scrubbing a stain is not recommended; it can make it harder to remove the stain by working the stain even further into the carpet fibers. Instead, dab until the area is mostly dry. Using Resolve’s recommended cleaning method, the tomato sauce stain came right out of the carpet in less than a minute with minimal work to dab the stain.

What stains will this carpet cleaner work on?

I tried this carpet stain remover on tomato sauce, red wine, coffee, and ground-in dirt. While most of these stains were fresh (within 10 minutes of cleaning), the dirt and mud had been speckled on my entryway rug for at least a few days. The Resolve carpet stain remover got out the stains and left the carpet smelling fresh, too.

Is this carpet cleaner safe for kids and pets?

All of Resolve’s carpet cleaning products are listed as safe for kids and pets—a good thing since kids and pets are often the source of the messes and are close to the ground. I am happy that I don’t have to worry about keeping my family away from the carpets after cleaning them. Even though it’s safe around kids, I keep the bottle of Resolve carpet stain remover out of reach of my children. When it is stowed away, it is behind a child lock under the sink. When I’m using it in a room, I find a high shelf to keep it out of the little ones’ reach.

Can I use this carpet cleaner with an upright machine?

This carpet stain remover solution is only intended for spot cleaning. If you are looking for a liquid solution for a handheld or upright carpet cleaning machine, Resolve makes a Steam Carpet Cleaner Shampoo Concentrate.

How long do I need to wait to use the carpet cleaner?

The sooner you can tackle a stain with the Resolve Triple Oxi Advanced Carpet Stain Remover, the more effective it will be. I used it on a new stain and only had to dab the stain for 30 seconds to lift the stain out of the carpet. For older stains, you may need to keep the solution on longer.

Does this carpet cleaner leave a ring?

To avoid a ring around stains, resolve recommends spraying a full circle of solution over and a little past the stain. I did not see a ring around stains after I finished the spot treatments. After a week, I closely investigated the cleaning area; I didn’t see any phantom spots reappear. Many similar products will get new stains out, only to bring out old stains a few days later.

Resolve Triple Oxi Advanced Carpet Stain Remover vs. Resolve Ultra Pet Stain & Odor Remover vs. Bissel Spotbot Pet Deep Cleaner

As a pet-loving household, we have turned to Resolve Ultra Pet Stain & Odor Remover spray for years to handle pet messes, including vomit, urine, and the occasional half-chewed bug. This is our top choice for pet stains, as it can remove the odor as well. Resolve Triple Oxi Advanced Carpet Stain Remover has a fresh scent but is not best suited as an odor eliminator for urine and feces. For those who need a deep clean with long set-in messes, you may want to invest in a cleaning appliance, such as the Bissell Spotbot Pet Deep Cleaner. We’ve used it on pet messes, food messes, and just general spots of dirt or mud. It cleans great but requires a bit more set up and clean up after it’s finished doing its work, and it requires a special cleaning solution. To tackle stains deep down in the carpet, it can be worth the extra expense ($179) and effort. The Resolve Triple Oxi Advanced Carpet Stain Remover works great on almost all household stains requiring quick treatment and spot removal.