Tempting though this might be, it’s not the normal recommendation, at least not with ordinary paint. While laminate cabinets can sometimes be painted, a hard-working surface like a countertop is not very suitable for an ordinary paint surface. But there is an innovative product from Rust-Oleum, the Countertop Transformation kit, that is as easy as painting but creates a completely resurfaced countertop.

What Countertop Transformations Is

Offered by paint manufacturer Rust-oleum, Countertop Transformations is a kit that contains most, but not everything, of what you will need. The kit supplies all surfacing materials and a few tools (stir sticks, dispenser, sander, and scraper). But there are other items you’ll need to purchase, such as a paint roller, paint trays, brushes, painter’s tape, and safety gear.

How to Use Countertop Transformations

This may sound like the materials you need for a simple paint job, but the reason the Countertop Transformation kit qualifies as true resurfacing is that the process applies four full layers over the existing countertop: Be aware that this project is a bit time-consuming and labor-intensive. It requires a full 5 hours or so of work, spaced out over an even longer period to provide that time needed for the individual layers to cure. Work is a little messy. One step involves sanding down the rough layer of decorative chips after they have dried, and this produces a fair amount of dust.


Thick Surface

You are applying a new surface of solid materials: those decorative chips. So it’s less apt to scratch through than a paint job would be. Of all points, this one is probably the most important because it affects your countertop’s long-term durability. Painted countertops can last for a while, but eventually, they will scratch or gouge.

Good Quality

The decorative chips help you achieve a stone-like look. You can’t do that with paint. The kit instructions are easy to follow. Everything is explained, even how to measure the square footage of your countertop. Nothing is left to chance in the instructions.

Detailed System

Unlike painting a countertop, which can be difficult to figure out, Countertop Transformations has all of the steps figured out for you. Quantities are prepared in advance. All you need to do is follow the instructions exactly as they are written.



It’s a daunting time commitment. The task alone requires no less than five hours and 20 minutes, judging by the instructions’ estimates. This doesn’t include time-intensive prep time needed to tape around obstructions, such as a cooktop or sink.

Little Margin for Error

The instructions include many warnings about narrow time frames and about how the second set of hands might reduce the possibility of the application coat drying on you too fast. All of these warnings are very real: if you make a mistake, you may need to scrape off the coat and try again.


Countertop Transformations tends to cost about $175 to $200 for 50 square feet of surfaced countertop. Larger kitchens may require two kits.