What item made your work life easier this week/month/lately?

Anita Dawson: My trusted pack of erasable pens.

How did you discover this item?

AD: We discovered these pens quite a while ago, and they are something I have come to rely upon every day.

Will you use this item in the future?

AD: Most definitely!

How has this item made your job easier?

AD: We pride ourselves in providing accurate and detailed Interior Design Construction sets, and anything that helps us get to that final product is a big plus.

How might someone not in your line of work benefit from this item?

AD: These pens are helpful for drafting plans of any sort, and taking notes during any situation.

What, if anything, would you change about this item?

AD: Nothing!

Are there any care/use tips someone considering this item should know about?

AD: They come in a lot of hues, so you can delineate comments for several topics—electrical, wall finishes, cabinetry—in different colors.