Our zodiac signs can give some insight as to what we value and how we decorate our homes. They can also shed some light on the unconventional aspects of our personalities and how they shine through in our spaces! Take a look at your zodiac sign below to see the most unique part of your home. While you certainly believe that entertaining guests should include a place to sit and dine, you think it’s equally important to set aside space for people to bond together through other means. Whether this looks like a home gym and games room, or something more intricate, it’s clear that staying active and having a good time is essential to you. An elegant clawfoot bathtub, a fully stocked wine cellar, or a handmade dining table made by a prestigious craftsman wouldn’t be out of place for you. You curate your home in such a specific way, and it shows. You care about its aesthetics, of course, but you also care about its connectivity. A big part of working for you is networking and staying on top of what’s happening in the world, so you invest in smart home devices, have multiple computer monitors, and a fully stocked library with books covering a range of topics.  You ensure plenty of seating, display your high-end kitchen tools on your counters, show off an herb garden for fresh ingredients, and add plenty of personal touches to make people feel at home. Your kitchen isn’t just where you cook, it’s where you connect and bond with others, and it shows.  Whether it’s using the natural light from your windows or investing in lamps and other light fixtures to keep the place glowing, you don’t want your home hiding in the shadows. You also gravitate towards options that reflect light, such as oversized decorative mirrors or metallic accents. You want the place to always radiate light and energy, and you absolutely accomplish it! By creating additional storage space in unused areas (think under-the-staircase-drawers or using the tops of cabinets as extra shelving) or building structures yourself with some DIY magic, you go above and beyond to create a home that functions precisely the way you want. You arrange the items in your rooms so they are symmetrical and give a sleek vibe. You go out of your way to entertain others, and you want to ensure anyone who comes into your home feels welcomed and belongs there. You are likely to decorate your bedroom (or any room that you don’t typically allow others to see) with elegant and stunning decor because you feel you can be yourself in those spaces–and they usually look unlike what people expect from you. Your uniqueness is wrapped up in mystery, which is how you prefer it. Your home tells a story about your life–even if at times it may seem like a chaotic one! The way you decorate your rooms and the items you choose tend to hold value, meaning, and often have a specific tale behind them. You don’t pick decor or furniture simply for appearances, but, rather, because they say something specific about you. Your home is often associated with neutral color schemes, practical purchases, and a sleek atmosphere. However, you always find a way to make a statement—even through the smallest touches. Whether it’s pops of color or more personal displays of what is important to you, your home is often a prepared backdrop that sets the stage for what matters to you. Whether it’s mismatched furniture that somehow still works well together, an unusual wall color that highlights your quirkiness, or an unusual bookshelf holding copies of your favorite non-mainstream books, your entire home typically radiates uniqueness–it’s hard to select only one section! This can involve accentuating items associated with rest in unusual ways, like a hammock on your porch, a hanging chair in your living room, or an oversized pouf that others can lay on. It can also be reflected by the artistic items you come across, whether it’s a stunning piece by a local artist or a handmade vase you made yourself in a pottery class. You have a distinctive way of viewing the world, and your home is a perfect canvas for that!