Consider the following key factors when choosing a plant for drought-tolerance, whether it’s a tree, a shrub, a ground cover, or a perennial:

Soil type. Something that qualifies as a drought-resistant plant in a wonderfully loamy soil may struggle during a dry spell if it’s growing in sandy soil (through which water pours quickly, as through a sieve). Competition for resources. When you plant under trees, the available resources are scarce because a tree not only blocks sunlight and rainfall, it also takes a lot of water for itself. Weeds and other vegetation can also rob a new plant of water. Sun exposure. Always pay attention to sunshine requirements and/or tolerance when planting. You may think of full-sun plants when you hear mention of drought-resistant plants, but there are also suitable plants for dry shade. Moreover, not all sun-lovers tolerate excessive dryness (and there are varying degrees of such toleration). Geographic location. Knowing your growing zone is only the beginning. Within each zone, some regions are drier than others. In the American Southwest, one may be forced to grow a plant such as prickly pear cactus, whereas in the North it is often grown by choice, as a novelty (it is extremely hardy for a cactus). Native plants. Native plants have adapted to the local climate over the ages, so they should work well as drought-resistant plants if you can mimic their natural habitat (soil type, amount of sunshine or shade, etc.).

Here are the best drought-resistant trees, shrubs, ground covers, grasses, and perennials for your garden.

Ginkgo bilobaShagbark hickoryRed mapleAmerican elmHawthornThornless honey locustSumacCrape myrtleLeyland cyprusMugo pineRedbud

Many other drought-resistant shrubs are popular in various climates:

Russian sageButterfly bushBlue Star juniperLantanaBarberryVirginia sweetspireHeavenly bambooBayberryCotoneasterBurning bushPrivetBlue mist shrubBougainvilleaWinter jasmine

An aggressive plant that you might hesitate to grow (in spite of its good qualities) is Virginia creeper (technically, it’s not considered “invasive” in North America because it’s a native there). Virginia creeper will climb if given any support to grow up (trees, fences, etc.), but in the absence of any such support it can function as a ground cover. A much better-behaved ground cover that does not require a lot of water is creeping thyme. Other popular options include:

Candytuft Angelina sedum Yellow alyssum Ice plant Vinca minor Bugleweed Chinese lantern

Popular drought-resistant ornamental grasses include:

Zebra grass Mexican feather grass Purple fountain grass Blue oat grass Porcupine grass Blue fescue Liriope (technically a lily)

But there are plenty of other choices available:

Black-eyed Susan Autumn Joy sedum Moonbeam coreopsis Purple coneflower Lamb’s ears Red hot poker plant Bitterroot