How Do I Know if My Faucet Has an Aerator?

Faucet aerators first entered homes in the late 1940s as add-on devices that would reduce splashing and help water taste better by introducing oxygen. Today, faucet aerators are standard components on nearly all kitchen and bathroom sinks. However, you can also purchase separate faucet aerators and install them on faucets that are lacking or have broken aerators. As the faucet aerator usually comes assembled, it only needs to be screwed onto the end of the faucet. So if there’s already something screwed onto the end of your faucet and it has a mesh disk, you have an aerator. Some aerators also have a disk with a hole in the center to act as a flow restrictor, allowing you to save water.

What Is a Faucet Aerator’s Purpose?

Removing the aerator and tapping it out upside-down might release some grit or scale. While an aerator does filter sediment, this is not its main purpose. Rather, a faucet aerator improves the flow of water and helps it feel softer by introducing small bubbles. It also:

Creates a wider stream of waterLessens water splashing in the basinHelps save water by making flow more productiveCan additionally save water when a flow-restrictor aerator is installedCan activate soap faster due to the small water bubbles, saving both soap and waterGives drinking water a lighter, fresher taste

An aerator is not necessary and can even be counterproductive on some exterior faucets (such as for garden hoses), shower and bathtub faucets, or clothes washer water supply faucets. In those cases, you don’t need the lighter water stream that the aerator provides.

How to Replace a Faucet Aerator

Faucet aerators range in cost but often can be found for less than $10. If you need to replace your aerator, you can do so with only two simple tools: pliers and a towel. Tongue-and-groove pliers (Channellock is one such brand) are the best type for this project. The towel should be small because you will be using it as a protective device when applying the pliers to the faucet aerator.

How to Clean a Faucet Aerator

How often you clean your faucet aerator depends on how much debris is in your pipes and water. If your water flow suddenly seems slow, check to see whether the aerator needs cleaning. And even if your water flow is satisfactory, you should clean the aerator at least twice a year to maintain water freshness. Here’s how: