What Is a Laundry Enzyme?

Enzymes in laundry products can be naturally occurring or chemically processed elements. Different enzymes target specific soils, and the catalytic action breaks the soil into smaller molecules to be washed away.

Protease - degrades protein-based soilsAmylase - degrades starch-based or carbohydrate soilsCellulase - breaks down cotton fibers to release soilsLipase - degrades fat-based soilsMannanase - degrades food-based stainsPectinase - degrades fruit-based stains

Enzymes are naturally occurring; they help bread rise faster and increase wine yields. The introduction of enzymes into laundry detergents dramatically changed how we do laundry. For many years the only way to achieve clean laundry was to use boiling water and harsh lye-based soaps. Today, scientists have created industrial biotechnology or “white biotech” which uses enzyme cells or components of cells to generate industrially useful enzymes for laundry detergents. Industrial biotechnology has the potential to save the planet up to 2.5 billion tons of CO2 emissions per year and support building a sustainable future, according to a report from the World Wildlife Fund.

Laundry Enzyme Presoak

Laundry enzyme presoaks are a pre-washing stain removal treatment used to break down protein stains like grass, blood, and baby formula so they can be more efficiently removed during the regular wash cycle. A presoak is necessary when clothes are heavily soiled or stained with oil, protein or tannin stains.

Laundry Enzyme Presoaks Brands

If you do not have a presoak product on hand, a heavy-duty laundry detergent that contains a high level of enzymes can be substituted to remove the stains. Not every detergent contains enzymes or enough enzymes to be effective. Choose Tide or Persil, both among the most highly effective detergents, for best results.

How to Use Laundry Enzyme Presoaks

Enzyme presoak products can be used to treat any washable fabrics in the washer or in a sink or laundry tub large enough to completely submerge and hold the soiled items in water. As with any laundry product, it is best to read the product label and follow specific directions. For effective stain removal, use the correct amount of enzyme presoak product in lukewarm water. Mix the presoak well in the water first to make sure it is dissolved and dispersed before adding clothes. Completely submerge the fabrics and allow the stained clothes to soak the recommended amount of time; at least thirty minutes. Overnight soaking may be needed for heavily stained items. After soaking, empty the soaking solution. The laundry should then be washed as usual following the fabric care label instructions. There is no need to rinse the clothes before washing.