But what’s true about our parenting styles is that they’re often reflections of who we are as people—what we care about, how we love, what we enjoy, and what really matters to us. As strange as it may seem, our parenting styles can even be reflected in how we design our homes. Here’s what your home décor preferences could say about your parenting style.

Mid-Century Modern

You’re the simple, all-hands-on-deck type of parent who swaps the cutesy social media posts and yearly Christmas cards for genuine connection. Your home is decorated Mid-Century Modern, which means you’re a mix of traditional with a sprinkle of spunk. As a parent, you value what’s behind closed doors more than what the world sees. To you, your family is the core and although you like keeping up with some trends, you’d rather focus on building real relationships than on appearances.


Simply put: your family is unique. But you love adjusting to their changes and shifts. In your eyes, the fun of parenting is learning and exploring, and your home is a direct reflection of that. An open floor plan, flexible layout, and large windows are staple items of your contemporary design aesthetic. You often find yourself trying new décor and experimenting with different parenting styles, too. And as hard as it is at times, you truly value change. You’re ready to grow with your family—whatever life brings your way.

Bohemian/Boho Chic Style

You’re a down-to-earth parent, wanting, above all, your children to feel rooted in who they are and what they believe. As an individual, you are a ‘patchwork’ of different experiences, lessons, and beliefs—and this is reflected in how you parent and in your boho chic design preferences. Sometimes you’ll be traditional, sometimes you’ll be more ‘millennial,’ and sometimes you’ll be a mix of both that naturally creates space for your kids to define their own sense of selves. But regardless of how and where you fall, at the end of the day, you love with abundance.


You are a self-proclaimed ‘uncomplicated parent.’ Just like your minimalist décor preference, you don’t bother yourself with the frills and proverbial ‘ideals’ of parenting. Instead, you focus on what matters most: showing up for your kids. Parenting, in your eyes, is about being an example of unconditional love. But not in a way that creates unrealistic expectations for who your children should be. Although sometimes you may present as distant in your approach, you actually are the opposite. You aren’t afraid to be vulnerable, clear, and open. In your eyes, parenting is about love—and love is simple when it comes from the heart.


Your parenting style is bold and perhaps even a little authoritative. While you’re not harsh, everything you do or say is laden with passion and your family knows the depth of your love is unmatched. Your rustic preferences mean you value spaces and connections that feel like ‘home.’ As such, you create this sense of warmth with who you are, what you do, and the words you say. You value the fact that your family members feel comfortable coming to you, and you encourage them to—regardless of the situation or circumstance.


Who you are as a parent is reflected in the softness and patience of your heart. Although you’ve gone through difficult experiences that have shaped, and perhaps even weathered your heart a little bit, you still love your family with an unwavering passion. You’d never call yourself perfect—in fact, sometimes, like your unconventional style, you feel like a mismatch of ideas, perspectives, choices, and discipline styles—but at the core, you would go through hell and back for your children. And this is something they know and trust, without a doubt.


Your parenting style is arguably more traditional than most. You value quality time together, day-to-day routines, and passing down everything from recipes to family secrets through the generations. Yet, at the same time, you see value in growing together and shifting away from what has always been. Just like the farmhouse décor you tend to gravitate to, you value practicality first. You want your family to be strong, centered, and authentic in the way they interact—with one another and the world.


You’re a hodge-podge type of parent who is often pulled in more than one direction simultaneously. Sometimes your love is bold and excitable, and sometimes it’s steady and soft—just like your eclectic home style. Either way, your family knows that you care and that your affection is unwavering. As a parent, you value your children experiencing the freedom to be themselves and to explore what and who they care about—all the while knowing they have a place and person to return to as they grow.

Art Deco

Your parenting style—just like your home art deco décor preference—is bold and borderline fearless. You tend to be the parent (often unconsciously) who is a mentor and parental figure to more than just your own children. Whenever guests are at your house, or even if you’re at the grocery store, you tend to strike up conversations and offer guidance and advice. And not because you impose upon others or even choose to share your perspectives, but because others naturally gravitate towards you and your spirit. To you, parenting isn’t just about what happens behind closed doors, it’s also about stepping up and speaking out in the day-to-day—for your family and anyone else with whom you connect.


You have a practical view of parenting. Rather than getting wrapped up in the emotions of the moment, you tend to follow your head and be rational. This doesn’t mean you’re any less loving; it simply means that your family can rely on you to be the voice of reason, purpose, and guidance. You prefer the industrial style because you’re all about clarity and straightforwardness. This translates to your undoubtedly pure heart. Despite all the advice on what type of parent you should or shouldn’t be, you are focused on being the best that you can. And that’s what matters.