
This tropical plant appreciates several hours of bright, indirect sunlight. If you have a north- or east-facing window, position your zebrina directly in front of it to maximize the light it is receiving. If you have a west- or south-facing window, set the plant back from the window by a couple of feet to avoid any harsh direct sunbeams. You can also filter direct light with a sheer curtain or window film. This Alocasia is sensitive to leaf burn if it is exposed to too much light, but is also prone to dropping leaves if it is in low-light conditions. 


When it comes to choosing the right soil, there are two things you need to keep in mind. First, Alocasias require lots of nutrients in order to thrive, and second, they are prone to root rot and cannot tolerate wet feet. This means that your soil mix should be rich in organic materials and well-draining. A mixture of equal parts potting soil, perlite or pumice, and coco peat is ideal.


While this Alocasia shouldn’t be left in soggy soil, it also doesn’t do well when its soil dries out. Ideally, the soil should stay consistently moist. Allow the top 1 inch of soil to dry slightly between waterings and then water well—allowing the excess water to drain from the pot.

Temperature and Humidity

The Alocasia zebrina does best in warm, slightly humid conditions—although it also does well in standard household conditions which tend to be on the dry side. That being said, if your plant is exhibiting curling leaves, crispy edges, or dropping leaves, it may require more humidity. Placing a small humidifier close to the plant, or moving it to a naturally humid room in your home like a bathroom, kitchen, or laundry room are great ways to improve humidity. While this Alocasia usually does best grown indoors as a houseplant, it can be grown outdoors year-round in USDA zones 10 and 11.


In addition to a nutrient-rich soil mix, fertilize your plant with a balanced houseplant fertilizer once a month during the spring and summer for vigorous growth. Stop feeding during the fall and winter months when the plant is no longer actively growing.

Propagating Alocasia Zebrina

Propagating your plant is a great way to grow new plants and share them with family and friends. This Alocasia can be propagated easily by division or harvesting and growing its corms. (Corms are underground plant stems that grow within the roots.) Both methods require a mature and healthy plant and are best done during regular repotting. To propagate by division, follow these steps. To propagate by growing corms, follow these steps. 

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Keep an eye out for spider mites, fungus gnats, and mealybugs—all of which love the moist conditions that the Alocasia zebrina provides. This plant is also susceptible to root rot, which is usually a result of improper watering and soil drainage. Signs of root rot include yellowing leaves, dropping leaves, and brown mushy stems. 

Common Problems With Alocasia Zebrina

It is not uncommon to run into a few issues while growing this tropical plant indoors. Watch out for these common problems. 

Yellow Leaves

Yellow leaves can be the result of root rot/overwatering, under watering, lack of humidity, or lack of light. You will need to assess your plant’s growing environment to figure out what may be causing its leaves to turn yellow.

Curling Leaves

Curling leaves are usually an indication that your Alocasia zebrina is experiencing a lack of moisture or humidity. Ensure that you don’t allow your plant to dry out too much between waterings, and keep it away from drafty windows or air vents which can dry out the air.

Dropping Leaves

Leaves dropping off is a good indication that one or more things in your plants growing environment is off. Lack of light, underwatering, overwatering, lack of humidity, and root rot are all possible causes for dropping leaves.